Nepal...then some other places
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Santa Monica, California
Ken and Louise Well done Andrew! What a fantastic journey! And now you are en route to even greater thrills, joys and sorrows as you enter your chosen career. The adventure is only beginning...
re: The EndDan Hey Pugh only just Managed to read the blog, a pretty big back log but a really good read. Sorry to hear about how it has ended let me know when your back and ill give you a call. Looking forward to the coming year.
re: gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrKen Hi Andrew - what a great adventure you are having! Thanks for keeping up your blog and allowing us to "follow" you around the world. Death Valley sounds like fun...what's next, I wonder?
re: Calamari in San FranciscoKim Pugh Hi Andrew and friends - I like the early night idea after all you have been up to ! Mum
re: Calamari in San FranciscoKen and Louise We are no longer envious... I'm going to mow the lawn now.
re: Sydney, New South WalesRick What makes us humble and thankful today becomes wisdom and strength for tomorrow.
re: Goodbye TansenKen and Louise Well done Andrew! Now we look forward to the continuation of your blog in other places...
re: Goodbye TansenStuart By George you do see life "fat botswanans" "Three testicles" "farting in the wind" Hopefully not at the same time as your diarrhoea. Its all to much before breakfast. Seriously you're fabulous. Proud of you sunshine, keep it up.
re: Inverted nipples and transilluminating testiclesRick If one perceives reading to be an adventure, a time to learn or view something in a different way or simply a 'romp' through the world of imagination,, then the smallest of books take on 'novel' proportions.
re: The fat lady is beginning to singAndrew I would love that Daniel! we will see, its about time you got yourself over to England bro
re: The fat lady is beginning to singDaniel Granitto It sounds like you are having some incredible experiences out there Andrew. You ought to come see me at Christmas so you can tell me all your exciting new stories in person.
re: The fat lady is beginning to singkathy moussa Good choice of book Andrew. You may not be a reader but you are certainly an entertaining writer. Hope you have a wonderful time as you near the end of you stay.
re: The fat lady is beginning to singEdwin Andrew, I am proud of you. Even more so now that you have read some books without pictures. dadxxxx
re: The fat lady is beginning to singRick "The heavens declare the glory of God" says Psalm 19...but so do all the creepy crawly things! It leaves me in awe how everything has a place and a purpose. "Ever since creation, his eternal power and deity, have clearly been perceived in the things that were made." What power! What majesty! What awesomeness! Speak to the Himalayas and speak to the ant. They both sing the song of their Creator. There truly is no god like Jehovah! Now think of how This God will lead you down your career path...for He cares for you.
re: Tansen, Nepal- last visited

- travel plan
- London, UK
- Kathmandu, Nepal
- Tansen, Nepal
- Bangkok Yai, Thailand
- Sydney, New South Wales
- Rewasau, Fiji
- Los Angeles, California
- San Francisco, California
- New York, New York
- London, UK
Ken and Louise Well done Andrew! What a fantastic journey! And now you are en route to even greater thrills, joys and sorrows as you enter your chosen career. The adventure is only beginning...