Well Hello there most dearest! I apologise at how long it has taken me to update the blog, but the website has been playing up! I feel I have quite a bit to share however the week has been a blurr so I apologies for any holes in my story, I hope to tell you in person one day!
It has been my first week on surgery. It has been awesome!! Kinda makes me want to be a general surgeon! It has thrown a spanner in the works. When people ask me about my future career path I feel even more confused than earlier in my medical school journey!
I have managed to see some good cases and 'scrub' in some great ops. Caesarean sections have often been the order of the day. I got covered in amniotic fluid in my first caesarean on monday and have learn't to stand well back when the sac is being cut or you risk a drenching. My first baby unfortunately appeared highly dysmorphic and had features that i think should have been picked up on ultrasound (althoughI didn't want to pry). He is still alive although I don't think the prognosis is too favourable. Maybe a trisomy 13 of 18? Who knows, there is no karyotyping here.
My consultants are Dr Kim and Dr Graeme and they are awesome, as are the residents and interns. I have managed to learn and practise basic suturing skills that I am sure will prove useful in the near future. Dr Kim is the most efficient surgeon I have encounterd, he zooms through every op like its a piece of cake. And his ward round finishes at 8;30! (I am used to medical ward rounds that finish at 11). He walks at running pace between patients, kind of gliding across the ground at freakish speed. I haven't learn't the Nepali for 'get out the way!!!!' but I need to cover it in my lessons.
I have been playing five a side football. I may not be the most gifted of footballers, however I use my size to my advantage (nepali's are pretty small) and just knock people out the way. I turn it into rugby is basically what I'm saying.
I have had a couple more encounters with animals and creapy crawlies. One of the lads said they saw a tiger jumping the hospital compound gate yesterday! I have, for my own comfort, assumed it was a well fed overgrown cat however nothing surprises me here in rural Nepal. As if poisonous snakes and spiders on my doorstep weren't enough, now there are tigers running round the place! What on earth! Oh and by the way that thing on my gate is not a twig, its a bug!! How cool is that.
Last night we got together and had some really good team time, singing songs and great fellowship. I felt a boost of energy during and after. I think everyone did. i really felt part of the Tansen family and it made me realise I am only 2 weeks from leaving. What an experience I have had.
Today being saturday I had a sleep in. I got to 9;30 which is real late until I was confronted with that evil situation where you need a wee so bad and yet you can't face leaving the comfort of your bed. I did that thing we all do where you roll around and assume various positions in the hope of easing the comfort of a full bladder but you inevitably come to the realisation the sensation is not going to disappear. uurrrgghh. A group of us went on a longish hike this afternoonand I got my best view of the mighty Himalaya! I was so pleased! It was breathtaking and it was great fun to walk with the guys. It was the real Nepal, small villages with animals everywhere.
Well guys, I hope you have a small picture in your minds of my life and how I am doing. I really want to make the most of my last 2 weeks here before I move on. Stay in touch, God Bless
- comments
Ken Hi Andrew - great blog post! Sounds like you are getting great experience and really enjoying surgery - maybe God wants you as a general surgeon in Nepal? How cool would that be! And at last you've seen the Himalaya! Wow! For "get out of the way" try "battoe chodeydeenoss nn" (the "nn" on the end makes it more polite) and see what happens...if anything. Looking forward to your next blog...have a great week, and watch out for the snakes, bugs, tigers, etc.
Rick "The heavens declare the glory of God" says Psalm 19...but so do all the creepy crawly things! It leaves me in awe how everything has a place and a purpose. "Ever since creation, his eternal power and deity, have clearly been perceived in the things that were made." What power! What majesty! What awesomeness! Speak to the Himalayas and speak to the ant. They both sing the song of their Creator. There truly is no god like Jehovah! Now think of how This God will lead you down your career path...for He cares for you.