Dom's Last Day
I sneaked out of my bed before anyone was awake and took my towel and bikini with me, made a coffee and went to the pier. This sounds very organised, fresh headed and idealistic for a morning. It was not. Coffee was forgotten and involved sneaking back into the dorm, cat busted in on my milk powder, couldnt find a light for the gas stove - then a lady beat me to the pier so I had to do the reverse mr bean scene in putting on my bikini bottom.
But after my swim, sitting with my (effortful) coffee alongside another woman enjoying where we were. The only words she said when she left was, enjoy your day. And I bloody did.
Dom and I rented bikes, went along the road alongside the lake and found a path up a hill in the jungle. About a good hour in there, looking at the monkeys swinging professionally through the trees, and enjoying the different trees and foliage. There are snakes and tarantulas in Guatemala but they stay away and as far as insects it's pretty much just ants and Mosquitos which are fine. Another reason why quatemala has been one of my favorite places. So back to Dom's last day. After this walk, we wanted refreshed. Cycling further away from the town we were just looking for a path through the trees down to access the lake. What we found was straight out of a movie.
Out of the trees, and out of the lake are two flat rocks - ideal for lying and relaxing - along with a perfect size step come seat for climbing up. Another underwater angled rock allows you to lie and relax submerged in the warm water. Right now that's half of the treat. Just next to this spot was a mini cliff for diving. The angulated sandwich lines in the rock on the side of the cliff created this natural ladder to climb up. There were three perfectly sized diving steps for jumping off of. The water all around was plenty deep. The water is clear and there is pretty much no water traffic at all. No one can see you. You can't hear the road. The view is of a beautiful lake. Es muy tranquil.
Afterwards, after grabbing doms bag we caught a pick up into town and had a fancy meal in a fancy hotel (actually as far as hotels go it wasn't fancy, but as far as places I have been staying in it is). Then I walked Dom to the bus stop. He cried a little about leaving me. Then he left.
No ok no crying. But I was sad to be seperating from my Swiss monkey happy friend. Back to being solo again.
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