Monument valley what can I say. Most incredible place I've ever Been too. We started the drive and stopped off at the Forrest Gump stop (where he stops running) we took many group shots including running ones. I lay on the road so hot! We then entered monument valley and waited to be picked up. We'd packed sleeping bags and a change of clothes. Collected by a local navjo native who grew up in the valley. He drove us round in a jeep and took us right into the valley. Took possibly the best photo ever wait Til I upload that one.
We drove to our camp for the night a hogan. It's basically a big dome made out of clay but we wanted to stay outside anyway. Our guide was called king Richard and he was such a happy man had the funniest laugh.
The valley is mental everything glows bright red and is huge! He told us all about the navjo people- they are their own nation and have their own type of government and police. Don't ever call someone a chief. He had such a nice outlook on life. He told us that his people would never call this their land as the land is there to be enjoyed by all. They also never say goodbye they say until next time. He drove us to a giant hogan made out of sandstone and we all lay down..him and another local played us a native song on the flute and drums..incredible!
Carried on jeeping around found what looked like a massive lake. He explained that there had been a storm the night before and all that water was just from the rainfall.
Drove to a cove overlooking the valley where they serve us dinner..tacos and steak! They then entertained us with some traditional dancing. They asked for volunteers so me Mart and a few others went up. They taught us a traditional friendship dance which you did in pairs. You had to row the boat a lot then we stood in a circle you had to run in an scream. Then we took it in turns in your pair to go in the middle and free style. Sober Melissa came out I was that in the zone I didn't even see marts what I was told amazing dance was. He jumped a little, did the robot, bit of the inbetweeners dance and finished of with the Frankenstein. So much fun!
They then asked who's birthday was in July -5 of us. We went to the front and they preformed a birthday performance for us and presented us with a bracelet each -juniper beads for good luck. We returned to camp for the night. Most memorable night ill ever have!!
We'd all decided to sleep outside on the dirt (red sandstone gets everywhere!!!) it was amazing we were all in a circle just looking up at the stars (taught Mart what the Big Dipper is) saw some shooting stars, lightning storm in the distance. Randomly some horses trotted through our camp! About 2am it started to rain so everyone moved inside the hogan. One of the girls suffers from night terrors and woke up shrieking however were all so used to it now we all just said shut up Kat an she went back to sleep. I foolishly slept ontop of an ant hole. I couldn't cope with the ants anymore so me and mart moved to the van about 3am.
5am get up...go an see the sunrise painful but amazing!!! We ha breakfast then and Richard took us in the jeep back up out the valley.
I think the photos should be able to put some context into the place. Ie been so careful with money and we spent $50 on souvenirs could of brought so much more!
By far the best night of the trip so far blew everyone away. Also I love the navjo people. America has not been kind to them and they are so friendly and happy! I'd like everyone to go to monument valley and see it!!
On another note we are all filthy ha and off to the Grand Canyon!
- comments
Hayleigh This entry has really made me smile. I was picturing you there dancing. And then lay there watching the stars. I actually thought as was reading it, 'I bet the Milky Way looks amazing from out there'. Cannot wait to see the full pics from that day. Makes me want to go so much more than before. Amazing, Aisha. Truly amazing!!!
rachel ahmed Your bil will be very happy about your thoughts about the native Americans , sounds amazing!