Up by 4am. Thaya and Dushi kindly prayed for me before Ieft and took me to the airport, got ther around 5:15. I boarded the plane byb 6:45. I had an isle seat booked (33h), however someone was in my seat. I kindly asked the lady to move which she did. She subsequently asked the airhostes to move. As the back seats were open her and her hubby moved, leaving my with 3 seats all to myself. On this 17 hour flight, I was just too thankful! I uppdated my manual diary entries in my black leather, DB gifted journal. Had a 2 hour snooze. Started my movie marathon with Diana, then Closed circuit, Matalinda and Runner Runner...they were all pretty good. We touched down at Rio airport for almost 2 hour layover. I realised I could use my airport angel card here, so gladly did as there was aircon in the lounge. 5:30pm local time (which would be 11:30pm in Dubai) we took off for Bueno Aires and landed 7pm. Took forever to get my luggage through. I took an Omnibus, which turned out to be a taxi as there were too few of us for a bus to Floria Suits. I arrived at 10pm and was absolutely shattered. I was in lalla land as soon as my head hit that pillow.
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