The world is my school. Today my classroom is on a horse in Glenorchy, South Island, NZ.
Snore, snore, snore, I sleep again until 12:00 in the afternoon. Then droopily wake up, go get ready, wash the dishes, and all the other stuff you would do in the morning. Within 1 hour, which felt like 15 minutes, it was time to go to Glenorchy. It was a 45-minute drive there, and I felt a little funky though I made it without puking. Except for the funkiness in my stomach on the way the surroundings were very nice. Once we arrived at our destination, I got out and felt like I was just trapped in a spinning jet and I just landed. I got all suited up and ready then back in the van for a 5-minute ride. Once we got there I was given a name. Baxter. He is a beautiful horse and I can't wait to get in the saddle. I do an we start off. The trail is all grassy then it goes to rocky. There are no snakes here so we can go anywhere without worry unlike in Australia. We finally make it to the first river we crossing. We cross three rivers in total, and a few small little creeks. On the first one I am scared, because I watched the movie 'The Never Ending Story' before in Language Arts and in that movie, there is a part where a boy and his horse cross a swamp. The swamp of sadness. This means if you cross this swamp and you are sad, you sink. Sadly, the horse was sad and scared and he sunk. Later on I felt less scared doing the river crossings.
Baxter liked taking his time and not rushing, while the horse in back of me, Pete, liked going fast and catching up with everyone else. It didn't really work out so well. The funniest part of the ride for me was when, we were first leaving the barn and Baxter's best friend kept winnying at him and he would winnie back, because when Baxter winnied he would shake like when you do your impression of Santa Claus, and he shook me around too. We rode all around where The Lord of the Rings was filmed and my dad's horse was even in the movie because the movie horses wouldn't cross the freezing cold river without him leading them. My sister Captain O's horse was on the cover of Australian Vogue once with models all over him. He always wanted the spot light and pinned his ears back a lot.
Horses are great!
<3 World Rings Bell
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