Melbourne Part 4
Friday 29th August - Wednesday 17th September
So another weekend comes around and we started the friday off with food wine and a dvd at the flat. On Saturday 30th August we spent the first part of the day cleaning, washing and shopping. If it hasn't already been mentioned it will be now corinne is getting so domesticated its scary, she cleans cooks a little (must sound kind of weird for all those who know her). In the evening we went to the crown casino, similar to the las vegas types we had visted earlier in the year and the like the one they wanna build in the uk.
Outside we watched the fire ball show that happens every hour in the evening and had a bit of dinner in the huge food court (thankfully not as expensive as vegas). We had a little look around the casino floor but we didn't bet anything except a few dollars on the pokies and won more back. Wolfie found the video arcade and stayed in there for a little bit, well an hour. Corinne got all a bit excited because the abba show bjorn again is on a the casino and she want's tickets.
Sunday 31st August and wolfie was up early for the nike 10k world race (was being run in 26 locations around the world on the same day). Corinne stayed in bed and wolfie ran and finished the race in 1hr and 26seconds, and finished 94'000 in the world. In the afternoon we went on the free city bus and had a look in the ACMI (australian centre for moving image) getting very excited as we booked tickets to watch 'labyrinth' which was on in a few weeks.
The next week passed by with work and lazy evenings till friday when corinne went out to a local pub with her friends from work, wolfie joined after work and had a few drinks.
Saturday 6th September was a day corinne as looking forward to as we were off to do the tour of the melbourne cricket ground and the sports museum oooooooo. We arrived at the famous MCG with its iconic flood lights, booked onto the tour and set off with our less than informative tour guide (she didn't kow the answers to any of the questions wolfie asked). It was cool though and the ground was HUGE the view immense from the very top of the stand.
The sports musuem was cool and had artificats from everyone of the modern day olympics, it also had tourches or copies of the olympics of recent times. There was a colection of team australia memrobilia and other bits. There was a whole section on wolfies new thing aussie rules footy and even a interactive section with things that you could try like the footy handball or stumping in cricket, was COOL.
In the evening we had tickets the the arts centre and the 'best of the west end' featuring some of the best songs from the top shows. It had 2 lead singers both of whom had impressive cv's from west end shows and a full orchastrea. It was cool watching the musicains especially the percussion section and the fella with the triangle.
On a sunny sunday 7th September we went of to the seaside for the st kilda market, so much nice stuff there and we bought a few little bits. We then had a look around the cool shops including the cake shops (pics on soon). We bought some T-shirts from our new fav. shop jay-jays corinne got a muppets one for $10 and wolfie got a transformers one and a pac man one for $5 each! WE had cake and a coffee before heading back to watch the footy st kilda against Geelong.
Into the next week we took advantage of tight ass tuesday and watched the new harold and kumar movie for $10 each not bad, but again another uneventul week. Apart from wolfie and corinne being offered a sponsorship from the hospital for an extra 12 months!
The weekend came around again and we spent a very warm saturday 13th Spetember around the city in the parks, the aborginal Koorie centre and the cimema in the evening to watch Labyrinth, during which everyone laughed when david bowie came on screen in his extremelly tight pants.
Sunday 14th September we had a tired start to the day, before going to Lygon stree the Itailian part of melbourne. There are so many nice restaurants there and ice cream parlours was cool, the weather as it does in melbourne turned all a bit naff and we decided to got to the cinema to watch the new mummy film. We went to hoyts in town and to the half pipe cinema with its big bean bags and for adults only, was awesome and only cost $18 not bad at all about the uk equivilent of nine quid. The movie wasn't bad either.
Corinne had been given the news that the postion she had been filling at the nursery had been permantley filled so on the monday had an interview at select agency. All went well will need to sort a few bits out and then onto their books for $30 an hour. Tuesday she went bowling after work and that takes us upto Thursday and corinnes birthday but that'll be in the next part!!!!!!!
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