Hi all
Our next overnight camp after leaving Darwin was a newly opened camp site on a farm 5kms out of Katherine. For $15 you pick a shady tree to park under with a close drinking water tap that not only is great to drink and fill up your tanks from but also your allowed to wash the van with too. Now that's rare indeed and our very dirty old van just loved it. There is a organised 5pm happy hour and we ended up sitting beside a lovely couple from Blenheim who have been here for over 3 years travelling and working so there was lots of friendly us and them digs from the mostly Auzzie crowd. It was such a nice place we decided to stay another night and do a Katherine Gorge river cruise which was fantastic and it's easy to see why hundreds of people do this cruise every day. Next morning was just another very hot day so a visit to Bitter Springs after a few hours on the road south was a very welcomed and refreshing break. Even though the water is very warm it still feels great as you jump in and float with the aid of your foam noodle under thick tree cover and just drift with the current in the crystal clear water for about 200 metres then climb out walk back and do it again. Its great fun as you just float and chat with the other people drifting with you. Back on the road again after another few hours traveling we found a old WW2 airfield which was listed on Wiki camps as a great place to camp. It's about a km off the main road in the bush and we parked by two other campers in a nice quiet shady spot and we ended up being invited to join their happy hour and had a great time with those hard case Auzzies. We seem to be doing a lot of k/m's lately but there is not much between these stops so we're just in cruise mode enjoying the scenery with the aircon doing overtime as we headed south towards Tennant Creek. Attack Creek was our next overnight roadside camp where we had camped last year and where we ended up parked beside people we chatted to at Darwin camp. While Steph and I were having a beer and a chat with them he said that he could smell someone's dinner burning and Steph said oh no that could be me! She ran back to our van to find that the spuds had boiled dry and were charcoal in the pot and ready to burst into flames so they were thrown out along with the pot. They had been on low but the gas is pretty fierce. We have got a working smoke alarm but it obviously hadn't quite got to that point. It took overnight for the smell to disappear from the van so I think a good lesson was learned there.
She was brave enough to boil up some more spuds so we still had fried chips with our chicken and salad after all. It's only 50 odd k/m's south to the Three Ways roadhouse where we will turn east and start that very long journey to eventually arrive in Cairns.
All is going very well for us but the thought of slightly cooler weather has some appeal. Catch ya soon.
- comments
Tony You want slightly cooler weather up there in Winter lol. I guess going to the NT in summer is out of the question! Xx