Whale watching hit the spot when it came to adrenalin levels so by the time we returned to the hotel mid afternoon, we were Hank Marvin starving. Fortunately, a rather fabulous restaurant was conveniently located just a hop, skip and a jump over the road at As it's all about that seafood, we thought of nothing else for our first meal where I tucked into the most succulent King Crab starter with cream cheese, roast pumpkin seeds and tomato salad, followed by the most exquisite Grilled Halibut, almond butter, broccoli and pickled shallots. Both were, without doubt, the tastiest, juiciest, most succulent king prawn and halibut dishes I'd ever tasted which goes to show that it absolutely makes sense to taste the freshest water seafood and shellfish in the world, if presented with the opportunity!
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Mary Wills Lucky, lucky you two … keep enjoying!