2nd September
Today was the day in Paris we weren't supposed to have. Yesterday the airline we were flying to prague with went BANKRUPT. Yes that right. Remenber when I said that I loved this place, not sure if its sharing the love. We got up and ready at 6am to be at the airport at 8am. So 16euro train trip to find out there would be no flight. Panic, hysteria(from ME) and what the @$#%&^ do we do now. Managed to book a flight through another airline at 9.20 that night. Great 12 hours with all our luggage to kill. Found luggage storage at Gare De Lyon. Dumped luggage and spent another expensive day in the city that isn't sharing the love. Went back to the tower, ate crepes and walked down the Champs Elysee to the Arc Du Triomphe. Went to the other airport CDG 25euro and waited for our flight. Arrived in Prague around 11.30. Got into accomm at midnight. Very Tired. Still have another flight with Sky Europe to rebook. Libby spent nearly all afernoon, Your time, trying to get us a flight. $1000 later and we can leave. A big big thanks to
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