Looks like you have had a great holiday with a lot of good memories. I will miss catching up with you online every few days. Safe trip home.
Deb Delmo
What has happened with your pics who is that man on the sand dunes?
Hello my family, im having a wonderful time with Aunty Lib and Uncle Frank. I get bikkies for treats and share Lulu's toys and snuggle with them all and watch tv at night time. I've kind of made friends with Chicken..hehe...and i've taught Lulu not to come near me when i'm eating...hehe...if you have a look at Libs facebook you will find some photos of me. I miss you all and look forward to loads and loads of cuddles and pats...Love Phoebe..xoxoxox Lick Lick..
Alex Is The Best!!!
heyy em and loz sorry i can't ring u coz it is to much money so u will have to wait till i get to paris again! i am coming home on the 10th of october. bye xxx
love alex:):)
Emily And Lauren
having a sleepover i bet u r having much more fun than us.Sounds like ur having the bomb of of a time.we r in the middle of a fight once a gain with emma when r u coming back xan u write bak on the msg board if u would not mindwe miss u soo much alex i hope u all well bye ps ring us plz xxxooo
hey all,
i miss u so much there is a photo that mrs turnbull put up of u and when i see it i start to cry.Mrs turnbull keeps talking to me in private about hanging out with grade 6 people and today on the last day of school she trys to be really nice to me and lauren like letting me help on the a team with her even thouth i am not on a team she would of not let me last week or any time by the way how r u?PLZ ring me camp was fun but it looks liooke u r having more fun in europe duh see ya love u all xoxoxoxox why the sum ??/ love mrs ff emily
Emily Mrs Ff
hey al i miss u these holidays r not going to be the same with out u i think of u every day.we came back from camp yesturday it was fun lauren and i walk around the school lonely coz we miss u so much u have not rang me boo hoo love u love emily mrs ff xxoxoxox
Lauren / Heffy
heyy guys
i got back from camp yesterday.it was so good but looks like you are having a lot more fun than that.photos are so amazing.i am missing you alex so much and yet again we walk round school lonerly..we miss you and talk about you everyday..you do not no how much we seriously miss you...u havent called me .(sniff sniff)..iloveyou
xxx Lauren xxx
Sue Eales
Hi Belinda, Photos look fantastic. Glad your all having a great time and I bet your happy now Matt is there. Works been busy. Dawn left yesterday. I'll miss her wobbling down the isles. No more Sharon H - she has left!! Donna is back. Chris Beasleigh leaves beginning of Oct. Don't worry I'll be here when you get back. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your holiday. Keep safe and well.........Sooie xoxoxo
Christine Pound
Hi guys amazing pics, looks like I will have to start planning that holiday for our 50th Birthdays. I talked to Matt before he left, I was glad to know he was still alive and well. Alex looks at home in the photos, I bet she is already planning her next trip.
luv the Pounds
Prague is beautiful, St Vitus's Cathedral looks like it has a Leonardo style staircase.
You all look so relaxed. I imagine you are looking forward to Matt's arrival. xxx
Libby & Francis
Venice looks incredible!!! Weather crappy today but 25 by the weekend..yippeee..
Matt is all set to go and can't wait to catch up with you all in Italy.
We are taking him out for dinner tomorrow night and to do a quick check that he doesn't need anything before Friday night..
Speak to you soon...Love Envious and Depressed...xoxoxox