We woke with some very severe hangovers to get our train to Agra at 6:10. The train journey was thankfully comfortable and we managed to catch up on some sleep. The hotel we were staying in at Agra as right inbetween a costa coffee and a pizza hut..hello western food! Simonns foot was not getting any better so we decided to call a doctor. It was a good job we did, as he said without treatment it would get a lot worse. A small dose of 9 tablets a day and 2 bandages with cream for 5 days is all it will take! Of course we made the most of pizza hut, and it was nice to eat some food that you were 90% sure wasn't going to make your stomach bad. The next day we set off in tuk tuks to the Taj Mahal, really eary at 5:45 to miss all the tourists. The build up walking throught the gardens was so exciting. Then you walk throught an archway and you get the postcard, picture purfect image that you see in all the brochures. It even had the morning mist and a perfect reflection in the water infront of it. We made sure we took all the cheesy tourist photos that we could, then headed down the pathway. It looks really big from the outside, but inside it is like a reverse tardis. It was quite eerie to see the tombs inside of the king and queen. (Although we later found out that there were sarcophgus', and they were really buried in a tomb underneath.) We also saw the site where he had planned to build a black Taj across the river, but ran out of time and money. Presumably this was where he wanted to be buried. That night we needed to catch the night train to Varanassi. The taxi ride to the train station was really interesting as it was 'rush hour'. (Although it always seems like rush hour in India.) At one point in a traffic jam, we managed to count 5/6 different types of transport in the area around the car, ranging from bus to man on a cow. Also on the way, we saw tuk tuks literally crammed with people. some on the roof, some hanging onto the back, some hanging onto the people hanging onto the back. You really had to see it to believe it.
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