So good that we can skype you more now you are in Australia !! You are in one place at last !!
Glad that you are both finally getting jobs -- good luck to you both xxxx you are having a chance of a life time !!
Can't believe you are both in Australia !!!! Now you can settle for a while and in time have a good look around. Do hope it works out that we can come and visit !!! xxx
Photo's are fantastic !!!! So good that we can now skype often !! xx Good luck and safe journey to Sinapore--- and onward to Australia sss safe
Hi kids
We are all worried that you are ok. if you didn't know there has been a bit of a disaster in Cambodia with several deaths and it would be useful to know if you are safe. (I need to know if I have to change the will or not ssssssssss)
photos are great !!! how are you flooded ???!! hope alls well ?? speak to you soon xxxx
Still can't get over our skype 'togetherness'-- it was fantastic that we could all be there at the same time (do do do )!!!! really felt that you were in the pub with us !! Hope you get to hook up with Sam next month xxxx
You must be in Thailand by now !!! Looking forward to pics of Hong Kong !! Keep safe and well xxxx
hi sim and kirsty mum and dad here for a few days. came home from work and they were all pissed never changes. were are all going to edinburgh castle 2 day. after the sight seeing we will be having a wee drink. weather ok hear hope ur having a good time
the Ritchies
looks like your having a fab time both of you!
camels look like fun!
hope your enjoying yourselfs and looking after each other.
love xxxxx
Daddy Mullen
Great what your doing on the web page, feel like i,m back there.You can keep your kingfisher beer tho.
they look a really nice crowd your with,hope your accomodations ok, the photo of your first room is about the best ive seen in india.
Did u get aircon ???
Keep smiling you two, love dadxxxx
hi-- you are having an amazing time, is India how you imagined it would be ?? Keep us in touch with all your adventures--- love + miss you xx
Hey you two, sounds like your having an amazing time, get some photos and blog entries up here soon!