Ahhhh made it to another morning.....look at legs...still there awesome....but ewwwwwwww no better and there are more red things growing......Shauna is fine....
Big plans some serious shopping to get its our last full day....awesome weather too....not a cloud in the sky.
So same funny thing my bird buddy flies down and walks over to me and starts squaking at saying "where ya been dam it I am get your butt here a bit earlier huh"...I apologize and toss him some more croissant...sheesh...get s*** wherever I go.....ok then off to the pool for some we meet up with Richard and Ann-Marie again, they are so nice....but they are leaving today to get back to Singapore. Richard insists as does Ann-Marie to give them a call soon as we get there (I think it is the rum talking but realize that everybody is sober and the bar is still closed). No worries we will...Richard has plans for us....Ann-Maire has to travel so she won't be in on it all. But they got to go as do we cause we got stuff to do dang it all...we been lolly gagging it way too much.
Off we go and find a shop right near our resort..DVD's for me...Shauna was very patient I might add here....we find another shop with air it is soooo hot.....jeans for me....and some shirts....nothin for Shauna (as Buddah is my witness first time ever....) unfortunately for her they will not come down on prices for silver c'est la vie......yayyyyyyyyy
Its so hot....we got lots to do...hey lets get a beer the Islander is right across the we do....then John shows up (our wayward Scotsman), Phil (seemed like a totally lost Brit soul who said he had an online drug store there)......and a guy Shauna met whilst getting me beer when I was getting my tattoo...Bryon (from Alaska....awesome dude). Then a few we hadn't met yet...Matt, Paul....and then Ron and Rebecca showed up from the it was one drink after another and even managed some Cigars.....then it started to absolutely pour out wierd was sunny as heck then raining uhmmm buckets....the power even started to go off and on....can't shop in that we stayed in that bar all day...had a blast.....can't shop in the rain right.....and it was still hot out. The bar definately fills up when it rains out.
So plans changed we decided to shut the bar thing down as it would only get we decided to leave we took Bryon out for supper as he was leaving tomorrow too and introduced him to the best Thai food he ever had so he said...he was traveling by himsefl around Asia and was looking for tattoo advice that is how he met Shauna. Uhhm pretty wierd....though in a bar and a stranger comes up hey Shauna...hows it Thailand....uhmmmm....did I miss something.....
So that is pretty much how we shut er down in Samui...cept somewhere we had bought another piece of luggage...we needed it........time to pack and go to bed....had to get the scooter back and whilst doing this I managed to scrape my toes....ouch...and ewwwwwyyyy. But survived.
Packing took a bit but we managed.......definately needed the other bag though......
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