Its tradition now....wake up....look at legs....try not to vomit.....clean em up....say some words to buddah..."like spare em I need em"...unfortunately Buddah doesn't work like that....if I am good he'll put in a word for me try to get a better set of legs next time around.....made me feel better asking though......least they don't itch.....but they is not gettin better....Shauna...seems to be fine.
Breaky time....delicious and feed my feathered friend, sit next to the beach and eat and there is like no body on the beach by the way...the water does not even have a ripple....only the odd jogger goes by....just to add to our guilt level I am sure. Great weather day so time to chill by the pool before it gets too we can only take at most an hour or hour and a half as we would burn to a crisp...and that is with sp 30 on...its is so intense. So we pack up take a shower put some clothes on....sandals and way could a person wear pants here and not die.... ahhh well so off we go to find a scooter.
Awesome we find a shop right across the street and they give us a lil scooter not quite a beemer.....but none the less it will work. Time to explore farther south. Off we go....oppps need gas....its funny you buy gas by the 24 oz bottle here (refilled rum bottles...I think...) or find a guy with a hand pump and he fills it up....find one....200 baht later we are good to go...cept Shauna found some time to theme here you may have noticed....getting hot out....but we find some stuff and things are cheaper on this end as it is where back packers hang out...also we are first sale of the day. So haggle a not bad price...give over the money...she taps everything in the store with our money....(major superstition in asia our passing of good fortune to them will bring more good fortune or something like that).
Time for a Singha....ahhhh we find the Samui Wave....awesome restaurant recommended by the Lonely Planet...60 baht for dinner some kinda spicy noodle plate and the beer is cheap too.....and we even had our own fan on us....
We leave.....then we find another tatoo shop...very differant from the last one...could eat off the floor...they got a cool eley design that Shauna likes.....and he can freehand her other foot with a same same as other shop we tell em we will be back. By the way out here big saying..."Same Same" or "Same Same but differant" I will probably be saying it for a few months till it passes.....Shauna apoligies in advance if we cross paths and I'm same saming everything......
Time to go with the scooter its a breeze...find some shops...oh ohhhhhh its hot out find a bar.....ahhhhh its all good again....and we repeat this a few times....till we eventually end up back at the resort....oh ohhhh its happy hour.....crap man.....So we go to the pool bar and this is where we meet a few other travelers with the same plan in mind.....enjoying happy hour in the pool. We meet Anne-Marie and Richard from Singapore (she is Irish and he is an Aussie), and Ron and Rebecca from Sydney...on their honey moon....Well we got to talking and next thing ya know Ron is bringing out the Bundenberg (not sure I got the name right) rum from his room and is pouring samplers...its pretty good Shauna thought it was disgusting....nuf said about that.....
Either way....awesome folks...we all made plans to do this again at happy hour as it was way over by the time we shut it down.....back to our palappa...hey the corn guy is cooking corn on the beach.....awesome. BBQ corn on a beach....not bad appetizer...this of course gets us to thinking.....Thai for supper again...sure..Thai food in Thailand is so much better......back to our favourite restaurant....and it is wicked good again. Now its time for some bar shortage here.
Well long story short we end up in a tame girly bar.....pretty neat....the girls dress pretty skimpy and dance on a stage, the stage rotates. They sell you ping pong balls.....and you toss the ball to the girl who is dancing the best...and she gets to cash them in at the end of the night. Pretty funny as the girls were dancing for Shauna like we tossed pong pong balls all over the place drank some beers and it was time shut err down....dissapointed one girl at the bar cause I think she really liked Shauna.....
- comments
Dave Hey, had a KOI tattoo done with this guy, "The One" and it was great! He did a good job doing a cover up on my arm. It was last week when we in Thailand.
steven one he very bed tattoo for me
chavez74 do you know the name or adress from this tattooartist...
Aunny samui ??? ????????????? ??????????????? ???????????????????
aunny samui ???????? ????????????? ??????????????????????