Started out just like the day before..check change....ewwwwww.....breaky..feed my friend..pool course off to the Samui for lunch....but today was differant we also decided its tattoo time. We went over to the shop that we found and liked and it was still closed.....this is how we discovered how much we liked the Islander we planted it there to kill some time.....
This is where we met Yok, quite a card....she was the bartender and her english was really good. She made a mean Mojito...and of course the beer was cold...she was treating us pretty good...... insulting me....and laughing at my expense with the wife...good times (no really it was funny) somewhere in here we met John. He is a guy from Scotland....landed in Samui and hadn't left for like 5 months....seemed to have his ass impression in the bar stool he was on. Either way funny some neat people in our travels.
So Yok taught me what "Boom Boom" really means....get yer minds out of the only means have fun. She also kept calling me something in Thai....basically ment my face looked like a monkeys ass....all red around the outside and pink in the midddle....hahahhahahahaha good times.....Shauna wrote that one down for later use. She then proceeded to teach a bunch of thai sayings....right about here we are snockered enough to decide its tattoo we went. Yok wanted us to go party with her that night at a bar near by where the locals go....could be fun...
Off we go time for tatoos.....Bummer the guy we talked to is sick and had to go to Bangkok....but his brother is there and he knew all about us. It was him and his brothers shop so no problem. Shauna knows what she wants as do I....the brother works on me. Can't do this without a ask Shauna if she can get me a beer and off she goes.....Takes her forever but she finally comes back and by then we are ready to start. The brother works on me and another guy works on first one only takes about 30 minutes....Shauna was done in like 15. I've already had an idea for another one and no problem he can do it. So Shauna went for a beer for me again....and we is happy hour now so Shauna headed back to the resort to meet up with our new friends. This one took a lot longer but I think it turned out great..made good friends with the guys in the shop....drinking beer of course ran out no problem they kept me supplied. Had some fun as its an open store the odd tourists would walk by and stop for a bit and watch. I would really start to slurr and say stuff like...."where m I.....hey what....hic....what....are ya doing to ma armmmmm hic...??? That doesn't say BOOM BOOM LONG TIME!!!!" Right about here the guys wife grabbed him and dragged him away....the guys were laughing their asses off....glad to entertain. Great guys did a good tattoo...we took pics and then off to the resort....this time I was not even bleeding and I think I had more beer in me then last time that is for sure....
Missed all the fun at the pool bummer....Shauna found me wandering back to the resort but I got waylaid by a dvd vendor....
So the plan is now to get Shauna to the other shop...for her other tattoos and we would meet Ron and Rebbeca to show them the tattoo place we were the guinee pigs....if it looked good they might get tatoos....he wanted to she not so much. So we were to meet at Murphy's Pub its a ways and the missus scooter over to drop her off....and I go back to Murphy's. It takes a bit cause its a oneway street and you have to go all the way around. So I meet up with them and they are eating sit and have a brew and chat for a bit....then I shuttle them over to the tattoo shop on the scooter as its a bit of a walk yet. No worries we make it and Shauna is done already....and she loves it. They check out the shop and Ron decides he's he books and she decides she'll decide the same day.
So off we go time to eat......too late....long day.....hey....they got a burgerking....yup we are and out. Back to the resort....we are not partying tonight....Shauna got 4 tats I got 2.....She was happy as was I......time to shut er down........ohhh but I must smoke me we park it on the deck....awesome view.....light up and then one of the luck balloon guys walks by...gotta do that right. Little history....a few days ago was looking up at the sky and thought I saw some wild looking stars....and they were moving fast...and one disappeared.....and they looked red.....insert do dah dee dohh music here (twilight zone if ya didn't get that). So not really sure what that was. Then we learned about the luck balloons....pretty cool its a bag...about 5 feet tall with a lil place underneath to put a small fire. You make a wish....light the fire and let it heat up and release it.....very lasts til it is out of sight....that was our UFO's from the other night. Ohhhh probably forgot to mention the fireworks....uhhmm illegal most stuff ha ha....they fire em off all night quite near our room....not much to see I think they are left over mortar rounds from one of the hear it fire....then nothin....nothin....nothin....KABANGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!. wakes ya up pretty good. Not much to see though....
We also discovered a really cool use for incense.....keeps the bugs away....we would light up about 20 sticks near us and voila......nadda mosquito. They do have no seeums unfortunately as I am gettin more red dots by the day..these ones itch but no puss...yay but the rest of me legs is just ewwwwwww.....Shaunas even got a few of them....the no seeums....not the ewwwwws.
Sleepppyyyyyy timmmmeeeeeee........we call it a night....
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