Well we've arrived in Hoi An after a fairly painless bus journey!!!
We got dropped off in the town centre and had to find a room. There were moto drivers trying to assist people by guiding them to budget accomodation. We we're quite stubborn and decided to ignore all their freindly advice and hunt down one on our own. I think it took us nearly an hour and a half before we found a room, we were both soaked from the sweat. I think we both have cursed the open tour buses till we're both blue in the face, not only do they all depart at once and arrive at the same time, and the amount of different companys is amazing, but they also stop at hotels for ages out off town to tempt you to stay there and waste more time!!!!
We both settled down in our rooms and enjoyed the aircon. After a while we changed and decided to go out and explore. We were both hungry so we grabbed some food while we were out. Hoi An has some amazing places to eat, some amazing bakeries and the architecture is so lovely. We bumped in Barbera and Eddy who we met in Halong Bay and they joined us for dinner. Dinner wasn't very nice and it was quite pricey too, we made up for it by indulging ourselves in some cake at the bakery. We sat by the river for a while and then bought the Austrailia Lonely Planet (Fake one) and went to bed!!!
We've booked ourselves onto the My Son Ruins tour and we had another early start. We had a hotel pickup and spent ages driving around picking various people up. When we eventually started moving in the direction of the Ruins we we're both releaved. After an hour bus journey we arrived at the ruins and it felt a bit like a school trip, we had to walk in a single file and wait in a hut/shop until the tour guide got the tickets. We then walked to a bridge and piled onto a minibus to take us down to the ruins, once at the base the guide advised us on the best route to take and off we went. The Ruins themselves were bombed by the Americans durring the Vietnam war and our guide advised us that a letter had to be sent to the president at the time to plead they stopped the bombings at this location, it worked and some of the structure still stands. We walked around and took some pics along with the other hoard of tourists. We went to another site but this was boring and our time was nearly up so we went back to the meeting point and got a jeep to the top. The jeep ride was very cool as he sped full pelt up hill narrowly avoiding an on coming minibus. We all piled onto our coach and made our way to the river where our boat awaited to take us back to Hoi An. The boat ride was the highlight of the trip, we had lunch which was yummy and then sat on the sun deck to enjoy the float downstream. We stopped at a little place on the way which was a bit pointless, but we got to enjoy the fan and had a chat to a few people!!! When we arrived back we went straight to our room to freshen up and reflect on how we felt the ruins we're a bit overrated and how humid it was. We both felt peckish so we went and hunted down some food. We found a lovely restraunt by the river and chilled over a beer and grub. The food was really yummy and the beer went down soooo well!!! We went back to our room and relaxed....
Today we decided to check the local sights out withing the town itself. Again the heat and the humidity was really oppressive. We saw the japanese covered bridge which had a roof and on one entrance had monkeys and the other had dogs, both there to act as guards. We walked around and took some pics. We also saw The Old House at 103 Tran Phu but didn't go in!!!! We went via the central market and it really ponged so we just saw the outside. Then we bought some books for the long journey to Nha Trang and got a great deal. We grabbed some lunch by the river, again it was a really nice meal and the day was nicely wrapped up with internet mania. Our bus was due to leave at 6pm so we grabbed our stuff and went to the office!!!
Hoi An Was a real charmer and we could've stayed on for longer if we didn't have such a tight schedule. Hoi An is famous for its tailors and you can have anything made for you, they even have Next Catologues where you can choose. Every other shop is a Tailor and this place can play serious havoc on your mental state and also make your bank balance highly unstable. We resited all temptations although our mental state wasn't good (mental state refers to going shopping mad and not going mad in general). People are lovely, the buildings are so cute and the food is top notch. Great place to chill out, wish we had stayed on for longer!!!!
Next stop Nha Trang.....................................
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