Left Ko Phangan to head to Phuket on a journey that was meant to take 9 hours. The ferry was on time so all looked promising, but inside was so full we had to sit outside on the deck roasting in the sun. Gav loved it and did a bit of sun bathing topping up his dirty, dirty tan while Chris did his best to hide. Unfortunately the plan didnt work and now Chris has a bright red head and arms while the rest of him is like a milk bottle - as seen in one of the pics!
Eventually arrived in Phuket (the Patong area) 12 hours after leaving Ko Phangan because of the useless coach journey! We had no where to stay and it was 11 o'clock at night so we headed for a guest house down a seedy back alley. After checking in, Gav had an inclination that we were down a gay parade (permanent gaydar!), but Chris thought otherwise - that was until we saw loads of dirty old gits wining and dining young Thai boys! Went for a look around the bars and beach area and realised the whole place was seedier than Bangkok with loads of old white men with Thai women on their arms and every shop offering a "massage"!
Enjoyed the beach the next day with big, fat, white tourists everywhere cooking like lobsters in the sun - Chris fitted right in! Went out in the evening for a few drinks, Gav drinking coke, Chris getting sloshed. Since Bangkok there has been one sound hypnotising Gavs mind - the sound of a wooden frog toy sold by old Thai women in the streets. Gav finally gave in to the temptation and bought one himself and began strumming it in the streets to his (but no one elses) delight! The smell of the local street food sellers have been hypnotising Chris since Bangkok and he finally gave in and dared to eat a couple of beef and chicken skewers, risking the trots the next day! Luckily they never arrived!
Off to another small island of Ko Phi Phi now where the film "The Beach" was filmed. Should be beautiful!
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