On the journey to Teman Negara - a National Park and apparently the oldest Jungle/Rain Forest in the world - we met a couple who had been travelling for 2 and a half years and smelt like it to! They were enlightening us with all their stories and telling us how to budget by eating raw veg. At the time we were of course in agreeance but like we'd ever change our lavish ways of dining out in restaurants every night! The route itself was absolutely beautiful as we drove up winding roads through the dense jungle.
Upon arrival at Teman Negara we were greeted by a heavy downpour so we opted for the nearest accomodation as Gav didnt want to get his hair wet! From our chalet we could view the crossing point of the river where long boats took you in to the jungle and lining the embankment were an abundance of floating restaurants. We booked ourselves on a few excursions,including a Night Safari , Canopy Walk and Caving. The Night Safari was one hell of a let down - you find more animals in your back garden! - but atleast it was an experience trekking through the dark jungle with only torchlight. While there we met a nice, young Dutch couple, Walter and Bridgette, who shared the same opinion that the Night Safari was a waste of time and money and we all constantly took the p*ss while everyone else thought it was amazing!
The next day we did the Canopy Walk - the longest canopy walk in the world reaching heights of 30m! - where we felt like Kerry Katona and Phil Tuffnell on I'm A Celeb! Chris's rack though is obviously more impressive than Kerrys! The views were amazing if not a little scary being that high from the jungle floor. We then went for a 1.5km trek up into the jungle to the best view point of the park and actually managed to get some decent pictures, that we remarkably havent lost! It was absolutely shattering in the humid climate but well worth it.
In the afternoon we then went for the caving experience where we were again booked up with just Walter and Bridgette. First we had to catch a boat down the river and then trek into the jungle, so before we even got to the caves entrance we were shattered! We entered the cave not expecting to see many bats after the let down of the night safari but instead the whole place was filled with them just inches from our heads! To make our way through the cave we had to manouver through many tight gaps - and im talking so tight that even Gav struggled to fit through! - and clamber across very slippery rocks, covered in bat crap! You may think being with a guide he would have given you a helping hand but it was generally left up to us to struggle through as he wandered off by himself only stopping to show us bats and not explaining anything! It was a hell of an experience though but we were just happy to make it out in one piece and with no broken bones!
In the evening we went out for some food and drinks with our new bestie mates and enjoyed a few drinking games - however, no where sells alcohol in Teman Negara so we had to enjoy a sugar filled, caffeine high evening of coca cola!
Next off to the Cameron Highlands..........
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