Caught a VIP bus from KL to the ferry port of Mersing - the bus was overly spacious and Chris didnt even have to pay more this time for the extra room to accomodate his fat a*se! Result! The journey wouldve been quicker but due to the weakness of Chris' bladder the bus had to make several unscheduled stops on the roadside!
We caught the ferry succesfully this time but due to the low tide and the weight of Chris and our bags (probably due to the amount of Gavs shoes!) we were asked - yes just us two, no one else! - to move from the back to the front to unground the ferry from the sea bed!
Arrived on the island at 20:00 Malay time, and ventured across to the island to find the accomodation we had actually organised for once. The shack was nicely positioned on the sea front with the bar on our doorstep, which proved too tempting to resist so we drank the night away!
Next morning we awoke to the sound of heavy ran crashing on the tin roof and looking out the window reminded us of being home! We weren't to be put off though so we ventured out in to the downpour, all cagged up, and went and hired some push bikes which we soon found out only had one back brake between them! We cycled across the island with the weather clearing up and Gav getting used to the mode of transport (it was just like riding a bike, boom boom!), he decided to attempt a stunt on a conveniently placed ramp but to his dismay the show boating went horribly wrong and he crashed into a wall, much to Chris' amusement!
That evening we went out with the intention of having a quiet one as we had to be up at 6 the next morning, but one beer led to another beer, and another beer, and another beer and we eventually stumbled in at 4! In hindsight probably not the best idea but when have we ever had a good one!
Singapore here we come for our last stop in Asia - and hopefully more cheap shoes!
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