We had breakfast overlooking our kingdom. Incredible photos will be up the prove this. Then we had another Taxi journey to Jaipur! First thing was the Amber fort in 40 something degree heat. Many were ill, including Emily who had then been suffering from Delhi Belly for nearly a week! The tour round the Amber Fort was a real struggle. It was done in near silence, and it was apparent the moral of the group was at an all time low. It didn't help that the guide was almost incomprehendible. We powered through and we were eventually rewarded with a very nice hotel. It was time to call the doctor for Emily, who was demanding crisps to try and help here condition. I decided to leave her to rest whilst venturing into Jaipur to see some more temples and forts...again. We saw quite a lot including a 40ft sun dail! Yeaaaah. More temple stuff. It was faaaar to hot to do anything else so we travelled back to the hotel. I returned to discovered Emily had seen the doctor who had prescribed a plethora of drugs for her to take. She had then proceeded to sick them up over the rooftop balcony. Good job. In jaipur the tuk tuk drivers were INSANE! Near death experiences we met with laughter for some reason, and the fact we shouted "Race" to them did not add to our safety.
We arrived, had a meal, then raced back home.
At this point the drugs had kicked in and Emily was back on track!
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