Tom and Becky Down Under!
After a very noisy night next to the highway, we crossed the border first thing and headed to Mallacoota. Having parked up next to the inlet for a while, and watched the huge number of pelicans flapping around on the water, we took the scenic route along the beautiful coastline to Orbost keeping our eyes wide open for koalas, but we didn't see any, just a few more stiff wombats and rotting kangeroo carcusses!! We pottered around Orbost for a while before heading to Lakes Entrance, start of 90 mile beach. Having stuffed ourselves on fish and chips by the boats, we headed to Log Crossing picnic area, down a 3km dirt track.... there were 3 other campers there, all Aussies, 60+, Tina and Will, Grayham and Leoni with their dog Sargent, and Scruff, with his dog, D.B (either dumb blonde or dirty b****, he wouldn't tell us!!)
Having exhausted all reading material, i made the mistake of giving Tom the informational flyer from my tampon box.... he studied it for a good 15 minutes, pulling a number of faces and making sev eral funny noises discarding it on the floor of the camper..... Just as we were about to enter round two of 'name that tune' raspberry style on tom's tummy, our neighbours stood at the window, and hollered for us to join them..... curious as to whether they saw or heard me playing jingle bells on toms tum, we opened the door, and they decided to hav e a nose around.... not only was the discarded tampon flyer on the floor, but so was a certain wrapper we found earlier that morning following a session in the passion wagon.... too much information? sorry.
Anyhow, we joined them round the camp fire where they told rude and somewhat perverted stories. I think it was safe to assume that Scruff was gay.... it had nothing to do with the fact that he dyed his dogs hair pink on the odd occasion!!
The folloing day (10/12) Scruff and will offered to fix our cigarette lighter, they ended up fixing the fuse box and the t.v. cable in two places, and much to our embaressment, found a worn pair of little black knicker next to the engine door.... they weren't mine, but i had trouble talking myself out of that one!!
Following a swim, and a much needed shower at the local pool, we went to Main Beach, a beautiful beach hidden behind some large dunes. The water was too choppy for a swim, so we headed to the other end of 90 mile beach, to Paradise beach, much more secluded and again hidden by dunes, but the water was still to rough. We set up camp here for the night, toasting some marshmallows before bed time.
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