After Milford we headed back off up the same road as there is only one, you have to go through this tunnel in has no lights and is full of pot holes anymore than 15kmph and its too fast. Any way while we were waiting for the lights to change a parrot ( kakapo one of the most intelligent creatures alive)flew down and entertained us by taking a liking to the car in front, it had a good look at it as if it was wishing to buy the thing a little waddle about to get a better view then flew off.That was pretty much the only exiting thing to happen on the trip to Wanaka apart from stopping at a road side farm shop to buy more cherries than you would think possible to eat but that didn?t stop our Emily getting started as so as she got out the shop, I think she would have started sooner but couldn?t get the wrapping off till she got to the car. So the rest of the road trip was spent spitting cherry pips out of the window without making a mess. They were yummy though! We arrived in Wanaka about 4 in the afternoon and, what a pretty place it was. We soon found where we were to be staying. Wanaka luxury apartments?????and my got what a luxury they were. We had to wait for a lady to show us where to go but that was fine as she was so nice. In the end we ended up with 2 apartments one to stay in and the other to wash all our stuff in and make full use of the coffee maker. (Emily loved that) Wanaka Luxury apartments is a 4 star hotel the only reason its not 5 star is because it had no gym. But the whole lot is owned by a friend of Emily?s (Laura) parents, they have built and developed the whole thing and what a testament to them. The apartments meant we had full access to a spa, a pool, a bbq, and wood oven (like a pizza oven), two scooters, the internet all the sport channels you can imagine on a widescreen surround sound and to top it all a garage to put the car in with one of those posh buttons to open it. Well I can say we felt rich today and thanks to the garage we could hide our out of place car and pretend for a day or so. We spent most of the evening running around looking at all the fun stuff in the house and cooking on the bbq. Oh and did I neglect to mention wallowing in our spa bath with a bottle of wine and posh glasses!!! (Yes I drank some wine but we have had this bottle for 4 days already and we still didn?t finish it all) The next day we were up in no time ready to whiz about our day, first things first, we went to get the scooters so we could ride in to the town in the sun there was only one so we set Emily up on that one while the reception lady went and got the other.It took Emily some time to get used to the bike but once she did she was away whizzing up and down the road like a yoyo as soon as the other bike came back we raced each other into town at 50kmph (that was the speed limit too I might add) after breakfast I donned my cycling gear and to two of us headed out on the open road, Emily on her scooter and me on my bike. We did get some funny looks when we were riding side by side chatting but for the most part I was chasing Emily which was tolerable until she just stopped or decided that going up hill at 50kmph was fun because it killed me! Anyway we found out was to a national park area where we took some pictures of the two of us then headed back. I gave Emily some pointers about ridding in front and how fast to go, it didn?t stop her killing me on the hills by not slowing up, I think she got a secret pleasure out of me suffering although she said she just forgets. When we got back we had to get ready to leave for Christchurch (I really didn?t want to go) I convinced Emily to come for a swim which delayed us for a bit (I think she wanted to stay really) we packed up handed over all the keys at the reception and headed off.I feel I must say what a boring drive it really is to Christchurch straightest roads I have ever seen and flat. I mean I think they should of put some corners in just for good measure Emily did the most part of the driving and I was bored stiff I slept for about and hour of the trip and when I woke up I swear we had not gone anywhere it all looked the same. There was one good part though which was when we could see Mt cook in the distance. In the end we gave up pulled over in a ghost town and got some chips and a think shake. It was dark and wet when we arrived and I really felt wiped out.The reason we were stopping in Christchurch was to see Amy and her Boyfriend Matt (Amy you may recall I met at new years) they were fine and showed us around the flat they were renting, we pretty much went to sleep got up the next day and left.
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