It may have come almost a month late but it was absolutely worth the wait! This week Bawku West schools celebrated the Day of the African Child.
The official date is the 16th June, which has been set on the world calendar to commemorate the young school children in South Africa who rose up and marched to protest for their right to education. Sadly many of them were killed on that day, and so it is an important day in remembrance of the sad sacrifice they made in the name of children' rights.
It took weeks of preparation, and a lot of backwards and forwards-ing with dates, venues, activities (much to my frustration and confusion born from my inability to let go of my ocd organisation) but in the end it all came together perfectly, and was a huge success.
The schools turned out in their droves, hundreds of children from the school's Human Rights clubs came with banners, posters, and colourful costumes, ready to sing songs, read poems, perform dramas, and kick up the dust with some serious African dancing. It was a fantastic day, and testament to the children's creativity and imagination (and some of the teachers too!). I'll let the photo's paint the picture!
With love,
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