Little Em's Ghanaian Adventure
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Zebilla, Ghana

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Accra, Ghana

New blog entry posted
Zebilla, Ghana

New blog entry posted
Zebilla, Ghana

New blog entry posted
Zebilla, Ghana
Ruth Wow, I've been posted to Binaba to teach 😁
re: Things I love about Ghana...and the things I will miss the most!MALCOLM SEIDU i am really greatfull for your kind gesture of support you gave to the children of sapelliga hoping to expect more from u, GOD bless u.
re: Things I love about Ghana...and the things I will miss the most!Bev We will miss your Ghanian updates...but look forward hearing all about your activities at home
re: Things I love about Ghana...and the things I will miss the most!Leanne What a fantastic year for you Em!! We missed you loads but we loved keeping up with your antics via your blog! We are really proud of everything you have achieved in Ghana. Xx Welcome home. xx Leanne Jay+Oliver
re: Things I love about Ghana...and the things I will miss the most!Nicola Milner Sounds like you've really made a difference Emma. I can't believe it's nearly time for you to go back to Manchester though. That was quick wasn't it?!
re: Hope Givers Women's DayAMY LATIMER Yeah agree with Linda - Its means so much more to understand what you were going through, espeacially when your not near hun. Glad your better hun - MISS YOU XXXXXXXX
re: Knocked down by malaria.amy latimer Lots of ups and down hun hehe - but glad theres more ups than down!! Hope to skype again soon - MISS YOU xxx
re: The up’s and downs of the last few weeks...Linda Love this dress, looks great on you!
re: Market is such a hectic place, it's nice to sit down and chat for a rest sometimes!- last visited

- travel plan
- Zebilla, Ghana
Bev We will miss your Ghanian updates...but look forward hearing all about your activities at home
MALCOLM SEIDU i am really greatfull for your kind gesture of support you gave to the children of sapelliga hoping to expect more from u, GOD bless u.
Ruth Wow, I've been posted to Binaba to teach 😁