Tuesday 8th MayIt's lunchtime and I'm sitting here at school in the staff room eating dry home bread and the sweetest orange I have ever tasted for my picnic lunch and thinking how lucky I am. I feel so guilty that I hide my water and try and be discrete when when eating. These children have no cooked or packed lunch and probably no water all day, but when they play even in the rain I have never noticed a cross word.Kindergarten rushed to their class room when they saw me coming to teach them earlier.I'm not Jesus and this small bit of bread won't break to feed 260 hungry children who still offer to carry my heavy rucksack. You'd think I'd be in tears all the time considering what I see - my heart goes out to them yes, but I do love it here - we are working towards a better future for them. Extra teachers, and the locals are even building a new house for one - for free! The materials and labour all donated by themsleves - organised by themselves. The project has a car to carry the sick. We are buying school supplies and yebo yebos (plastic sandals for all the school children). Polepole (slowly) - Rome wasn't built in a day.The children are adorable. There are some you do have to 'sssh' in class ok! But they are eager and attentive even when I ask them to come to the front and put a bowl upside down on their head with the word 'POLICE' taped to it for a role play lesson. A few in standard III are very good, one of which I didn't give a star to for his first peice of work, so next time he put 'Teacher Tena - star' next to his work - it made me laugh - if only he could understand 'cheeky git!'. Oh yes - he did get a star - couldn't resist - Bad Teacher!!
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