Sunday 29th April.
We went to see Lydia a woman who had given birth on the day of Margaret's party. She was still in bed, but that didn't stop us being invited in - apparently they love getting visitors they almost feel honoured. (do we think that it our culture?) her mother was there and her sister and a whole crowd round the little room (hut) just big enough for the nursing bed, 2 tiny stools we were sitting on and a small table, but still we got 4 adults in plus Lydia who was in bed and Valentina - her first born.
I couldn't see the baby at first, but then I was given a tiny bundle wrapped in a kanga. She was beautiful - perfect, cute button nose & lips plump & heart shaped - she was still pale - she hadn't developed her full african colour yet. A big yawn, and just a little flinch at the camera's flash - we just had to have a picture. Caro is getting very good as my photographer! She asked Lydia the baby's name while I cooed, I heard her ask again, she was just checking - to be sure before she told me. But yes, Lydia did say Tina - she had named the little bundle after me !
I cried.
Later I asked Caroline why had she named her baby after me, I had only been in Yamba a few days - apparently Caroline had been telling the village about all the work we had been doing in England before I arrived - so I was Rafiki Tina from England before I got there - Thank-you - from your generous efforts I have this beautiful gesture!
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