Friday 27th - Margaret's Party.
We had been invited to a baby's first birthday party - and had no idea what to expect. It's not that common in Tanzania to celebrate birthdays, but this one was special because Margaret's mum - Clemencia - had lost her first baby - we think maybe still born - but had had problems since then, so Margaret was a blessing. As for the celbrations - well there was the bucket drumming of course - expertly executed again by Mama Sophia and dancing and bum wiggling that I had first seen for real at the welcome. Little Margaret looked so healthy and was dressed in a pretty blue satin dress, a knitted hat with a huge lace pom pom and head band, knitted frilled socks and tiny plastic sandals (the outfit which I have only seen since for church). I got a hug - infact the whole family seemed to enjoy having pictures of me & Caroline holding her while the family gathered round. It was so relaxed, joyous and fun. I got my camera phone out - boy they loved that. They giggled when they saw themselves on the tiny screen - even the adults. As it seems customary (like royalty) we were offered stools when no-one else had one - you were made to feel very welcomed. The children and mums danced round Mama Sophia & the upturned bucket while another lady bashed it with a stick and they chanted and smiled. A lot of bum wiggling went on, alot had kangas (like a sarong) tied round their hips. Mama Sophia put one on me & Caro & held her hand out for us to get up and dance! They all laughed when I wiggled my bum, but not sort of at me - more impressed I think -they said Mzungu Nzuri (white woman good - or something like that) well they clapped and cheered so maybe they were pleased I had tried? Caroline thought I was doing it right. Anyway it wasn't long before all that stomping & bum wiggling tired me out - I wanted a rest, so I stoppped & took a breath & said 'choka' - which means 'tired' again they laughed - I like to think they were impressed I'd used Kiswahili, who knows - probably laughed at how unfit I was!!
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