Tina in Tanzania
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The return begins!
I fly out Tues eve, get to the village Sunday all being well! A lot of travelling!! Bit nervous now. My landing is a walk in wardrobe ready to get final packing done today! Massive thanks to everyone who has supported me with love, well wishes & prayers, and thanks to everyone who donated to the charity themselves wi…
I am long back from my two incredible visits to Yamba Tanzania, it seems like a distant memory - teaching in the school, IT to the african management & health post staff, as well as teaching knitting to the fabulously keen & resourceful ladies of Yamba & Kwembalasi.
But sometimes when I see rural Africa on the tellie, or in a mag I can almost hear the beat of the drums, the ai-ai-ai calling and the chidren shouting 'Onga Teacher Tina' or 'Mama Tina' and …
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Yamba, Tanzania
The return begins!
I fly out Tues eve, get to the village Sunday all being well! A lot of travelling!! Bit nervous now. My landing is a walk in wardrobe ready to get final packing done today! …

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Hinckley, Seychelles
What an interesting few days! The weather has been changeable - beautiful sun today, but on saturday michelle and kelly caught the sun in the morning and in the evening we were looking in awe …

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Hinckley, Seychelles
Looks like i'm taking my implementation skills 2 Yamba! Helping 2 computerise their accounts, stock control, patient records etc - not Sage; spreadsheets - much easier! ha! i'm halfway through…

New blog entry posted
Hinckley, Seychelles
I'm all tucked up safe in my bed in Yamba, we're 3 hrs ahead of uk and it's been a v long day! With 5am start, 2am 2 u! Not quite so hot and sweaty this time! it was such a lovely welcome ag…

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Hinckley, Seychelles
- I am going to start a crotchet club. It gets very cold in Yamba. The plan is 2 make friendship blankets from crotchet squares then the club can give it as a gift to the most needy - which co…
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tina m. hi tina you are really lucky to be in africa iwas loking at my fried mellisa's pictures. i thought i would take a look at your's bc of your name i'm at chicago in cold and snow and very ill. so have a great time . tina m
re: Can't find the words !tina m. hi tina you are really lucky to be in africa iwas loking at my fried mellisa's pictures. i thought i would take a look at your's bc of your name i'm at chicago in cold and snow and very ill. so have a great time . tina m
re: Can't find the words !