Tuesday 24th
The drive to Yamba. Heaven knows how far Yamba is from Dar es Salaam,but we got up at 5am, and didn?t reach the village until evening.A coach ride, and hours on a dirt track ?.
Extract from journal-
The Welcome
We left Milingano and started really climbing ? so now we use the 4x4 a dirt and rocky track up the mountain. Cooler, but cling on tight. Very steep ? up and down. Sttill light but gone half 5 not much lightleft and the last 45 mins ? 1hour was on foot! Sunset at 7ish and it was gettinmg cloudy ?would it stay dry? So far yes,phew!
A 4x4 slip sliding would of made me even more nervous. So much vegatation (banana plants, sugarcane) couldn?t see much. Caroline said we were nearly there, round the last bend after nearly an hour to see hundreds (yes hundreds) of children and families cheering and clapping for the volunteer?s arrival.
They were so joyous. We managed to get out of the car- crowds came up to greet us (me) to shake my hand, some gave hugs ? a lovely woman (Mama Sophia) in a grey fleece and hat (it didn?t seem cold to me) sang and put a scarf on my head and flowers in my hair.
Ona ? tweddy ? ona nwway ? I tried to rememeber the greetings. A bucket was turned upsidedown and banged on the floor and bashed with a stick and Mama Sophia and a few other started dancing and singing & a lot of the others joined in. I was over whelmed, so tired, sweaty and emotional! I couldn?t cry though ? they would think something wrong surely ?
The Climb
Oh my heavens ? The climb! Steep! Narrow rocky,dirt path. So glad I had my walking boots on (though the children were barefoot or in flip flops & all had more balance & speed than me). I have never been so hot, wet with sweat, out of breath, emotional and exhausted in all my life, children ahead of me and behind. Mama Sophia watching every step should I loose my footing. And then the singing , chanting and ?na na na na? calling started, they sang in kisambaa (local language) and Caroline translated:
She has flowers in her hair Tina- she brings us education and development.
In rags and dirty ? the children ? yes,all true, but smiles and a welcome like you would never describe.
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