Our Whitsundays trip was amazing, not just the free wine, lovely sunshine and sea breeze or the massive free BBQ, but also the snookerling and the vist to the beautiful Whiteheaven beach. Whilst on the beach we played some footie and challanged the aussies to a cricket match, which was a massive risk, but thanks to Tims batting we kick their butts!! Proving that we do infact deserve the Ashes.
After spending the evening with a lovely german couple we met, it was an early start and a 515km drive to Mission Beach. I should probaby use this oppourtuntiy to describe the roads that we have come across since Rockhampton... Long straight and surrounded by creaks with signs symbolising that Crocs rome the waters and you should stay well back, so we drove past these pretty quickly. They are also surrounded by rainforrests and long grass, normally agricultural... so in otherwords home to the snake, which we saw when Chops ran over one... pretty sure it was dead, but it did flick up onto the windscreen.... BANTER! Also massive lorreys and the classic brown looking rock and grass where the suns got the better of it.
So we only stopped for food and toilet breaks and made it to mission beach finding a lovley exstremly cheap campsite, pitching 10 yards from the beach. Mission beach is a very backwards town, with banana farms and rainforrest everywhere as well as rooming cassowary, which are birds you dont mess with. Its also the place Chops did her skydive 3 years a go and its a very nice beach when its sunny. The next day however the tropical rain came, so we got back on the road for another 139km which took twice as long due to the weather and arrived in Cairns to dry humide weather.
We have now been here for 2 days and Tim is currently undertaking a 4 day PADI dive course, unfortunatly Chops Asthma means she simply can not dive in Queensland, but will be joining Tim on the boat in 2 days time to snookle on the Great Barrier Reef.
After that we aim to hire a Harley and drive north to Cape Trib and back before jumping back in the car and starting our trip south to Sydney.
Much love
Chops and Tim xx
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Jen heppell loving the work with the ashes!!