12th July
Another relaxing morning, I have been trying to upload our photos to a memory pen as we have filled up the SD card and due to Stevie previously throwing camera in the lake incident we don't have as much spare space! This morning we had the house to ourself so I decided to play with the dogs in the garden, Which consisted of me running to the entrance garden and getting them all to chase me. After a while I had to recorded funny! the best dogs.
Auroria arrived back to the house at the perfect time, our bellies were beginning to rumble so she took us to a nearby vegetarian restaurant. I could see Mark wasn't to convinced but he perked up when he found out they had a chicken option!!!!
OMG it was sooooo good the healthiest meal I have ever had. We had soup to start (me pumpkin,Mark Quinoa) then rice salad and a small bean mixture in a sauce with deep fried cauliflower. Mark had chicken and mushroom sauce instead of the bean mix! Then a fruit for dessert that looked like a fig washed down with fresh juice and a Ginger tea with fruit infrusion....we really could get used to this!!!!
Now we are heading into Medellin to meet with Laura and Andres but first we had to stop off at the house as Mark has left his hotmail account open an is subsequently panicking that someone (I don't know who) will be able to get all his personnel info! 'Stevie has no idea about security!'.
Luckily we did stop at the house as it is now pouring with rain and Mark has had to make a sudden dash to the car as we left all the windows open...I think we are going to have wet bums for the ride into the city!
We arrive in Medellin and waited for Andres in shamrocks because 'anywhere else is s***e' while Laura her mum and brother went to a conference held by a family friend in the shop next door.
A few beers and a plate of nachos later Andres and Laura joins us and we hit the town, kinda, to sample the local shot selections. It was like a bar shot crawl and even end up in Hooters for a beer, at Marks insistence, perv'!!!
(You have to go to a Hooters if it's presented to you, it's my right as in the 5th Amendment and EU Hooters Act 2012 - Any male shall undisturbed and unhindered enter a Hooters bar and enjoy the voluptuous scenery while wetting ones whistle with a beer.')
We finish the night in a columbian food court, where Marj indulged on 12 hot wings, tipsy and full we headed home....
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