hi hun looks like you both having a grant time wish was there with you .love you both .take care
Jackie Tracey
Hi guys
Just caught up on your blogg and what a fantastic time you both had apart from smelly man tramp!!!
Your pictures are great and loving the dancing pictures.
Glad your safe in new Zealand and let us know when it's ok to Skype.
Take care
Love JACKIE xx
Lily Pops
Hi guys
Please can you look at your comments as i left you a message there.
Lol lily pops
Hi Guys,
Looks like your both ok and still having a fantastic time. Been looking at your Machu Picchu pics and it looked amazing. Take care.
Love to you both,
Mum xxxx
Lily Pops
Hi steve
How are you missing you loads I am very sad still trying to get over it . I am going to send you a picture of my ink pen..
Missing you loads love you loads
Lily pops xxxxxx
Jackie Tracey
hiya guys
Blimey was getting very worried after reading your trip up to the volcano and you poor poppit!!!!!!Are you ok now? Mark your in big trouble as how could you leave poor stevie in all that snow ice&ash..............................................
Sounds amazing though and your now probably on the bus and i bet that your excited going to peru!
Take care poppits and do not leave stevie again
Lov jacxxxxxxxxxx
Hello. Have a good time. When will you come back.love Evie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jackie Tracey
Hiya guys
Just had a quick peep and oh my Lordy your up very high!!'!!!!!!!! And snow'!!!!! Take care and will mail you back later. Hope you have plenty of layers on".."...............
Love Jacxxxxxxxxxx
Sue M
happy birthday Stevie, Hope you get lots of surprises, well at least one. take care, have fun. Love Sue and Phil xxx
Your blog is very entertaining :) especially Stevie falling in the river lol. Loving the pics. Just spoke to you on the phone, missing you guys alot!! Glad you're both safe after the quiet spell of not hearing from you. Can't wait to see you in NZ. Be safe xxx
Hey all...all is good we arrived in Columbia this morning. We haven't had Internet access in forever but we are safe has houses!
Jackie Tracey
Hi Guys
getting worried here as have nt heard from you since the 20th. Please get in touch