Ria's Travels around USA!!!
So the 2nd day...
Well today me and my room mate Chris spent the whole day at Sea World, and it was top dollar!!! hehe :-)
It's been the 1st time i've had an absolute 'side splitting' laugh of a day!!! its been the best!!!!!!!
Chris is the funniest person i've ever met!!!
Anyway, we got to sea world about 11'ish and we defo got our moneys worth because we didn't leave for another 10 hours :-) hehe. But it was absolutely great we just didn't get bored at all.... I defo see what you mean Sarah its just amazing...
I TOUCHED AND FED A DOLPHIN!!!!!!!! How kewl!!!!!!!!!!! (Well worth the wait.... and was brill)
There was just so much going on there, there were shows running every 30minutes or so, with different animals and stuff. There was one show with the whales it was SOOOOOO GOOD!!!! and if I wasn't with Chris I would of cried I swear, hehe....It was so sweet :-) proper american cheesy kinda narration but it was done so well. BELIEVE and all that stuff. ha. It was great.
and it was alot better going round on the rides with someone else. We went on this one ride which was like the rapids back home and we got soaked from head to toe... it was so funny. Good job it was over 100 to help dry us off :-) hehe.
The day was great...I cant praise it enough. Sea world was brilliant but the company made the day as's days like today that make me miss my friends back home and wish I'd dragged someone fun along with me :-) but oh well.... I guess they'll be a next time!!!!!
So....I was actually supposed to leave San Diego at half 6 that night, but because we didn't get back from sea world till about midnight i didn't end up leaving till half 5 the next morning!!! time really does fly when your having fun......
Everyone was just hanging around back at the hostel chatting and drinking so we just chilled out thing its 5 in the morning :-) Opps.... time to go...
If I could I would of loved to just stay here and party with these people till september...but more awaits..... LA next :-)
To round up... I've met the most amazing people here...I've learnt you can meet people and get on for the sake of it and then you can meet people and click because you generally get on and that's what happened...I hope I stay in touch with everyone I've met here. Its been the best two days of the holiday. By far!!!!!! A time I'll never forget.
San Diego ROCKS
Love you all
Peace Out!!!!!!!!!!!
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