Well...where do I start???
New York (2nd time round) has been absolutely brilliant...
From the minute I got here...till now...it's just been great!!!!
I checked into the same hostel as Ines and bless her she'd been up since 7am waiting for me!!! That was a nice suprise. After plenty of catching up and giggling as ya do...we h…
Well Well Well 7 weeks...time really does fly when your having fun...
Its weird because am writing this message in England...Normally am tucked away in a little internet cafe somewhere :-( I know where I'd rather be :-)
Good to be home though...thanks for tuning in and sending great messages, it always made me smile!!! The last 7 weeks have just been out of this world...
I wander what will be next...WATCH THIS SPACE :-)
until next time...
Well...where do I start???
New York (2nd time round) has been absolutely brilliant...
From the minute I got here...till now...it's just been great!!!!
I checked into the same hostel a…
I didn't think I'd ever be able to make it up here!!!
But here I am!!!! and all the hassle was well worth it...
This place...is just amazing!!!
If your lost...am at …
ME!!!!!! Last One!!!!!
Hay everybody. Am actually home sweet home. What a wicked 7 weeks!!!! But time goes way to fast :-(
I thought I'd give you guys a quick reply...and I guess i'll have to say my goodbyes...BooHoo
Lorraine - I didnt know you were going on holiday...we'll have to exchange stories and pictures soon. Your right about keeping quite, only just chilling out now :-) Hehe. Derby has been weird to come back to, but I am happy to be home...ask me in about a week or so and i'll be missing USA and wanting to go back :-) Glad you liked the site, take care sweetie, talk soon xxx
Lyndsay - Sorry about the confusing site, think I've finally got it into order so its not to confusing :-) You'll personally have me to explain it all 2night :-) What could be better...oh yeah I've only brought about 10 pairs of earrings...Haha. Thats good though...10 pairs in 7weeks. Oh and you had a sign 2, there was one called Harrison street but I couldn't get the camera out in time :-( arh tell ya Aunty thanks, and tell her they'll be no more mopping around now. C ya later. Mwah xxx
Sarah - Arh that was sweet...Am glad you've liked the site...I think you was my biggest fan. Hehe. I bet work will never be the same again :-) I cant believe your off on hols again...Your so lucky...I need a holiday. HaHaHaHa. Arh Sarah I seen Saffy yesterday and she's gourgous, I see what you mean...Total cuttie. Well we're all missing you now...HeHe. C ya soon, love me xxx
Karl - Well babe. Glad you had a good time in london, it was weird not being there...every time you've been to london I've been with you :-( Cant believe you was gonna go to see Trevor Nelson again after the let down last year. HeHe. Well babe we've spent everyday together since I've been back so theres no point me writing much more really, you know I missed you, and you know I love you and there the main things...So c ya later. Mwah xxxx
EVERYONE - Thanks again for logging on here, its all over now!!!! I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing on it. I'll miss logging on here and looking for messages and things...but I suppose we have each other face to face now...I've missed you all in your own little ways. Cant wait to see you all...still got lots of the family to see...AM ON IT!!! Take care Everyone. Love you all lots...
All I gotta say in my last entry to you babes is.........
Cannot wait to see your sexy self when you get back, I understand your gona be mad busy on Sunday seeing everyone, so i dont expect to see you as im gonna be pretty far down your priority list understandably, but if you find a few spare minutes give me a bell and ill be straight round to give you a big big cuddle!!!!
Cannot wait....and i no i just said it but i really mean it......:-)
miss you and love you lods,
Ya best friend forever :-)
PS this journal is amazing.....in years to come you will always be able to look back on this sight n remember how you were feeling every step of the way, Proud of you baby :-)))))
Ey up m8y, Well, just thought I'd leave u 1 last message seein' as you'll be back with us on Sunday. There's no point in me askin' whether you've had a good time is there really.... 'cos you quite clearly have, the pictures and your journals say it all! Well, it feels like it's been an adventure for me aswell so thanks Ria, I'm gonna miss comin' on here and followin' you around the USA, he, he.
I'm off 2 Spain 2nite so I won't c u 4 another couple of weeks... but Chris, Ethan and Saffy are lookin' 4ward 2 seein u. Saffy is our new puppy, Ria, she is so cute and I mean SO cute, I'm terrified of all animals, especially dogs, but this little puppy makes my heart melt so you'll defo have 2 go c them when u get bak.
C u soon babes, love ya lots x x x
Hey Re well im writing this from an internet cafe in London, we are in Shepards Bush shopping its 2.30 here and I think we are leaving at around 4. Its been a lovely few days the weather held up for carnival, it was a really nice day. We got back about 830, me and your dad was gonna go to Ministry of sound again but we was both to tired from walking all day. Shame really cause I wanted to tell Mr Nelson off about last year. Well babe cant beleive your home on Sunday 7 weeks has gone so fast so looking forward to having you home, we will defo go over there in the future and have our own little adventure, just think after this week no more of our diary entries that will be weird to not writing in that, but ill be able to tell you about my day face to face.Well baby hope you enjoy your last week make sure you go out with a bang and light up NYC. Love you loads baby see you sunday
Hows it hanging??? Just been looking at your site for about the last 2 hours.....i think ive read everything and then i find youve added bits to your journal all over the place, n new photos appear for every place.....confusing the hell out of me but its well worth it!!!!
Your pics are just getting better and better and so are your entries babe, still sounds like everything you are doing is amazing....n yeah am still 100% jealous!!!!
Your family all look really really nice and it looked like you had a really fun time with them..:-) bet you were gutted saying goodbye werent you?? :-((
Cannot believe you biked up all them hills.....you go girl!!!! I would have given up on the first one, but to find you got to the wrong gates....GUTTED. Good for you sticking at it though chick....I want a chinese in a box too....bring me one home please ;-)
Mount Rushmore looked absolutely wicked.......cant believe something so huge can be carved.....well impressive......everything over there looks so flipping big :-)))
How many pairs of earrings did you buy missy???? Thats like Ria's heaven hahahaha
Ive been laughing my head off at all the signs you keep taking pics of, and shop names...how appropriate they all are.....haha 100% fun and for you to be named after a bagel now aswell as Lady things.....its made me piss masen!!! why isnt anything named after Lyndsay......:-(((
Anyway as selfish as this sounds....im soooooooooo pleased you are home soon babes....missing you like crazy...its not even funny anymore....I need ma playmate back ;-)))
Really looking forward to you getting back, and hearing all ya stories face to face, rather than trying to understand everything you are feeling etc through your stories.....cant wait to give you a big hug :-)))
Hope your still ok, and arent getting to gutted about leaving.....7 weeks babe.......SO PROUD!!!!!!!! My little Ree alone in Big old America......WOW!!!! Im still saying I cant believe your out there, and my aunty has been looking at your site......she said to Tell you she has the Upmost respect for you having the guts to do this and thinks your stories are fantastic. She wreckons you could right book about it all, because honestly babe, the way you right about things is really expressive and deep.....its like we read your words and i no exactly waht you are doingat the time...ie you have a big smile on ya face or your welling up its wicked.....My aunty also says that you better hurry home, cus shes sick of me Sulking around hahahahaaha :-) I miss my bessie mate!!! :-)
Right am gonna love you and leave you, Stay safe and hope you have a wicked few days babes :-) MWAH
Love you loads and loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Ria,
Not been on for a while so had a lot to catch up on your journal. been away on holiday for two weeks, but no where as exciting as you!!
So glad your having an amazin time, cant wait to hear all about it when you get back... in fact i bet we wont be able to keep you quiet!!!
all your pictures look great!! and your journal is amazin!!
bet you wont want to come back to borin derby!!
speak to you when you get back, keep safe love lorraine x x x
Hay everyone...first let me apologise for not being on here lately,....Ive been so busy. The last week n 1/2 have been a blast...hope you like my entries and love the pics.
Here's a few replies...Thanks for your messages...Keep em coming :-)
Love ya all.
Chris - So nice to hear from you.FINALLY :-) (Miss you) Hope your ok!!! Glad you like the pics n journals and stuffgona try and put the last three places Ive been on here today if Ive got enough time. Going to Mount Rushmore at 3...its 12.15 here :-) so its a bit rushed. How mad does that sound All the American Thomass send there love Everyone was saying how much they miss you cus u have a laugh with them allCarolynne told me to ask about Michael Jacksons nose??? Hehe. Anyway miss u lots, and Ill speak to you soon. Give Ethan a kiss for me. Mwah xxxx
Haydn - hay u!!! Glad u like the snaps, got millions here but never have time to load them all on. Its mad that am here isnt it, I still laugh to myself now and Ive been here 5weeks. I only gambled a little bit in VegasI was awful at it :-) had to be done tho. Hehe. Well speak soon. Hope ur having a good summa x
Lyndsay - Hay sexy lady. Am so glad u prioritiseam the first thing u do when you get home. Hehehehe. Thanks sweetie. Hope u had a wicked holiday babetell me all about it by email. Ill have to get LA, San Francisco and Seattle on here so you can have a look at themits been brill. Trust me Ive been thinking of ways to miss my flight and hide away herebut I miss people to muchso dont worry Ill be home soonjust under 2 weeks :-( just a little bit to soonbut my credit cards saying it not. Well my little beauty Ill speak to you soon,. Love ya and miss u lots xxxxxxx
Sarah - hay! I tried to go to that prison but it was all booked up :-( next time. But San Francisco was really good. Hope you like the journals and picsbring back some good memories for ya. The streets are mentalI walked down Lombard Street n it was horrible :-( Hehe. But yeah I see what u mean about LA good to say youve been therebut not a place you wana go back to. Hehe. Shame really but hey ho. Ill keep enjoyingdont you worry :-) speak to you soon sweetie. Love you lots. Mwah xxxx
Karl - hay baby. Ill answer all your messages in one big message :-) How are you baby??? It has been really nice talking to youwere gonna pay for it big time tho when our phone bills come through :-( but worth it :-) Hehe. Arh yeah the carnival.Well jealous. Although I should be at Niagara Falls that weekend. Hahahaha, so not to jealous. The bike ride was mental babeI nearly killed myself about ten times. Hahaha. Cant believe youve just been emailing someone elsehope u wasnt like love you n all that. Haha. Geek. It isnt long at all is it :-( miss you and everyone else but Ill miss here to weve gotta come back here together one day babeyoud love it. Ive got some pics of everyone. Ill get then on here ASAP. Help your mum find the sight so she can see what Ive been up to n stuff. Am trying to find a good phone card so I can call home. So Ill be in touch soon. Love you babe. Mwah xxxxxxxxxxxx
HEY CHICKEN. just been check'n out your journals & photo's. look's like your hav'n a really great x. Hope every1 is O.k. at Uncle Lloyds (give them my love!!!) Keep on hav'n fun chicken, Ethan sends his love xxxxxx. Every1 is missin you, stay safe nuff love Big Bro. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey baby well shame on me, I just logged onto the wrong web page, id already left a message before I realised it wasnt your page, some kid called Dan touring New Zealand is gonna be like who the hell is Karl. Well just thought id say a quick hello not long to go now babe, hope your enjoying yourself speak to you soon babe Love you loads
Hey Re well I hope your enjoying Settle can you put some pics on the site of all your family there, Everybody over here is ok everyone says hello, my mum still cant figure out how to post a message on your site. Cant wait to hear from you babe hope you really enjoying spending time with your uncle and cousins. Love you babe speak to you and see you soon x x x
Hey Ree! All your photos are amzing, find it hard to believe your over the other side of the pond still! It looks like your having the time of your life, You went to Las Vegas then u Gambler you! I neber thought ud be the person to this sort of trip and im really proud of you for doing it! Keep it up Ree, ur a star! Hay xxx
Hey sexy ladyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Im back!!!!! yayayayayay just literally stepped through the door, back from hols and ive come straight online to see what you have been up to!!!!! WOW am soooooo jealous!!!! The pictures look absolutely awesome.....that dolphin is soooo cute :-)
The people you met at the hostel all look really friendly, I can see why you clicked with them so well :-)
Everything you have been doing all seems so exciting and adventurous, cant imagine you ever wanting to come back to boring DERBY!!!!!!!!! but please come back cus i miss you!!!!
Nose bleed looked bad, hope someone came to look after you hehehehe :-)
Wicked, you even got pictures of the celebrity stars on the floor, so surreal to think you are out there taking them pics, its like summat you see in magazines, and deffo think you should go into photography babes, cus your pictures are all top dollar..........you will be getting requests from ikea soon.......wanting your pictures to blow up n sell :-) hehehe
Anyway gonna go get unpacked and showered etc, very very boring for a glam little lady like yourself now, but it has to be done. Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say Im BACK, I LOVE U and cant wait to see what else you have been up to :-)
Hey chicken, I'm fine thanx!
San Francisco then eh, all I can remember from there is Alcatraz which is pretty eerie actually, but worth seein' The Golden Gate Bridge and the streets cos they are all really, really steep.
Yeah, I know what you mean about L.A and Hollywood, I think it's gr8 2b able 2 say that you've been there and done that, I mean wow... but I personally wouldn't go back there.
Well, carry on enjoyin' everythin' babes, maybe you'll get a bit of time 2 relax now, you are doin' so much.
Love ya lots, I'll message u again soon x x x