Ria's Travels around USA!!!
Hello Hello Hello...
How are you all??? good I hope...
Those of you unaware...I've just spent the last couple of days in VIVA LAS VEGAS!!!!
(Someone had to do it. hehe)
and it was really good...really really good actually.
My first day was a little bit shaky...I was staying in a really dodgy area so I felt quite uncomfortable took me a while to get into the swing of just hung around the pool in the 100 degrees heat :-) hahahaha. Good fall back option hay!!!! although I did get a nose bleed with the heat...haha. Thanks Dad for that gene!!!! :-)
But once I got into it Vegas was a good laugh...
(note of advice...try and stay as close to the strip as'll make ur trip a lot better)
Anyway...Vegas is absolutely huge. The major bit is obviously the strip and it feels like it runs for miles and miles. It took me about 6 hours to do about 500meters of was mental!!! you could spend a week here and still not see everything and do everything...its brill. I love busy mad places so Vegas was right up my street :-)
The casino's are like little adventure parks in their own was really weird. The casino I went into in New Orleans had nothing on these bad boys :-) I tried to do as many as I could but it was just impossible to do them all.
So I done the best (In my opinion anyway)
- Luxor - this was a really kewl hotel at the start of the strip. Its made to look like Egypt and is actually inside a huge pyramid. There's a massive sphinx outside as well, although because I seen the real thing a few years back it wasn't as spectacular as i'd guess they'd hoped :-) but still really good...
- Excalibur's - This was like a castle sort of hotel with dragons and knights....very old English feel :-) I got hold of this coupon that got me free doughnuts there..that was good. They were the best doughnuts i've ever had. Try 'Krusty Kreme Doughnuts' when you get a chance there scrummy!!!!
- NewYork NewYork - This was probably one of the best I went to. They have the Manhattan sky line as there main feature and it was like being back in new york it was great. I went on the roller coaster there and it was the most traumatic experience I've ever had :-) My fake hair nearly blew away... it was so funny because the pictures you get at the end..I looked like I was gonna cry it was so embarrassing :-) hehe
- Tropicana - This casino had so much going on inside it. I went to a Titanic exhibition and it was brilliant, some bits were like the movie and other bits were actually taken from the ship. it actually made me cry, titanic always does...I was having one of them girlie days :-) but any titanic fans out there...GO!!!! also I won a pack of cards on this slot machine...that was good :-)
- MGM Studios - This is the casino where they have that massive gold lion outside, its also the biggest hotel in the US with 5,000 rooms. It was huge...but also they have a real lion living inside the casino. He was just sat there posing for the cameras it was so funny. but HUGE!!!!
- Aladdin Hotel - I just quickly ran in here and back out...just to see where Elvis got married...not very extravagant to be honest but least I can say I've been :-)
- Caesars Palace - This is also another huge casino, they have a hotel, shopping mall, food court everything. There was this massive water show outside it and it was just amazing!!! honestly it was just brilliant how they done it...I have a mini video on my fone so you can all see it when I get have the pics in the meantime tho...
- Fremont Street Experience - This was where the 1st casinos with neon lights where...not far from where I was was really good down there...there was this guy playing music on a proper massive grand piano in the middle of the street :-) that was good. I went in the casino down there..gambled about$15 dollars...won $5 dollars then lost $5 dollars. hehe. Next time I come I wana learn a little bit first so I dont just sit there randomly doing the wrong thing :-) hehe
Then these are just the ones I walked past...
- Paris - has an actual Eiffel tower outside..half the size...that was good
- Mirage - has a live volcano going off every hour or so but i missed it :-(
- The Venetian - is like venice and has river boats floating through the casino... that was kewl
- Treasure Island - they had a live pirate show outside here...but it was so packed i couldn't see a thing :-(
- Circus Circus - the big clown outside put me off going was well freaky :-)
It was a really good couple of days tho...the wedding chapels and the lights where just like how you'd imagine it.. but you no what natalie its nothing like the start of sister act...completely different. that was weird... but on a whole a brilliant place to go...especially if you know how and like to gamble a little. glad i went.....
right everyone., thats me....
San Diego next
LOVE YA xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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