Happy Halloween!!! not that we are doing anything here for it, many of the pubs are having themed nights, and we had talked about going to one of them, or throwing a party at the flat, but nothing came off it, which I'm pretty glad of since I'm absolutly knackered - we've had a busy day 2day.
Matt, Anna and I went off to discover the No.1 teacher training college, which is where Mao once studied and later in life, also taught at. We took the bus, accidentally getting off to early, so grabbed a taxi to the college, glad we did though since we probably wouldn't have found it if we had walked. It was up a very potholed road, and not sign posted at all. So much so that we were unsure if we had actually been taken to the correct place. We only decided that we had been because we saw other foriegners there, so with our "student" tickets (80pence) we entered the building. The other foriegners that we had seen then approached us asking what made this place special - eh are we sure we are in the right place?
It turns out we were in the right place, as the pictures on the walls were all of Mao, its a bit of a give away. Any way, we got to see what his classroom would have looked like, and the dormitories, the college was a bit of a maze, and with our obvious confused look, we were given some well needed help. This came in the form of a student, or what we think might have been a student, she didn't speak english, but waited for us after every room we entered, and then pointed the right way, or led us to it. This was very helpful as we are sure we wouldn't have seen half of it other wise. What was going through are heads though was "what does she want in return?" as it turns out - absolutly nothing, she was just being nice.
The college was caught in a big fire that burned down most of Changsha, however they rebuilt it as it would have been, the only orginal part was the well where Mao showered. Although it isn't that old, it seems it and also smells it, very damp old smell was present.
We spent a good few hours in there, once we had looked around we just chilled in one of the gardens. The college is still operational, although some of it is purely for historic context, but many students were out studing in the sun, or walking with all their books. The sun was shining today, and I thought I may beable to work on my rapidly fading tan.
Turns out this was not the case, as once we had left the college and went in search of this massive bookstore, the weather changed, and a healthy wind seemed to come from nowhere. We eventually found the bookstore, and the massive dvd store that is next to it. We were looking for a horror movie, so that this Halloween may have something, but turns out the Chinese aren't big on scary stuff, oh well - the others are all watching Terminator, really scary!! :p
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