After the long day - bed anyone? nope it was of 2 a gay bar, with a bouncing floor, for Lee's birthday, and yes the floor literally bounced. I lasted not even an hour, was absolutely exhusted, and really wanted to go to the Forbidden City the next day so headed 2 bed.
9 o'clock - it was already arranged with Cat, Adele and Suzy. 10 past and they still werent even out of their bed so I went without them. Don't have the words to describe how massive the place is, felt like it stretched forever. Also felt like every person in Beijing was there, was mega crowded. but i survived my trip and had great time. Wasn't as good as it might have been with people but really glad that I went. Spent a good few hours there, but was soooo hot, and no breeze or shade.
got burnt :( serves me right, so far in China the smog has always acted like a sun screen, but whenever there is a storm, the air clears. The air was clear and I'm suffering the consequences.
Got back about 14.30, just in time to watch the guys play footie, there were 6 teams - lasted long time, got bored, got more burnt and then when for BBQ chinese. Upon showing everyone my photos from the Forbidden city though they were quite jealous they hadn't made the effort to get up. Also if I don't get placed in Beijing I probably won't be back so really wanted to see the main cites before I left. Find out wed night tho where I'm going :s
Last assignment is due in on the monday, my lesson plan on "names, numbers and age" gonna teach them "ten green bottles" lucky for me I don't actually have 2 teach them, just plan it. For tuesday though I'l give a 20 minute lesson to the rest of the class on this topic but others help with the planning of that. fingers crossed for no song lol.
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