So lessons have all now offically started. I get lessons in Mandarin, English pronouciation,spelling,grammer and classroom management. Its really bad that all the scandinavians and austrians in our class have a better understanding of these concepts than the native english speakers, since I didn't learn half this stuff at school. Really hoping for young children in my class now, so I don't have to teach them grammer and all that lol.
Teaching my first lesson 2day, we paired up though so it is not as bad, and only get about 10 pupils, nothing compared to the 60 kids I'l probably have in the class when I get to school. Playing a game with the kids, they have 2 mime out a sport and their team has to try guess what it is, so hopefully shouldn't be 2 difficult
Been given our first assessment today aswel, which is due in on monday, there goes my fun filled weekend lol. We're playing murder mystery 2night in the hotel, as our last night in quaratine - free 2morrow can't wait. Already planning on going to ming tombs, great wall, birds nest and out for peking duck on Friday.
I seem to be alot more organised here, already packed to leave for the university, and don't go until thursday afternoon, whats got into me lol.
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