We had booked our accommodation in advance, as the Full Moon period gets extremely busy! Our hotel was called the Morning Star resort in Ban Tai, 10 minutes away from Haad Rin where the party is held.
Our hotel was excellent! We had booked a standard bungalow due to the excessive prices over the Full Moon period. It looked good enough for us, as we wouldn't be spending much time in there anyway. The staff seemed nice, the pool was small and green (the first chlorine pool we had come across) and there was just 1 other couple at the hotel! They were a really nice couple from Israel called Daphna and Nir who we got quite friendly with. They even gave us a dvd box set to take with us as we had finished 24 :( Anyway...
That night, we decided to have a quiet night one last time as the island was still pretty dead. We knew that the hotel was fully booked the next day, so that would pretty much go for the rest of the island. Unfortunately, we were woken up in the early hours by what seemed like a bird trapped in our roof! The banging was unbelievable, and it kept us awake for hours.
The next day, we spoke to the reception staff about the problem, and they moved us to another room. A superior room! It was huge! We were very happy then :) More and more people turned up that day. To my horror, the chlorine from the pool had turned my blonde highlights an awful shade of green, so I was brave and ventured off to a hairdressers! James was happy to find a bar to watch the Rugby while I was having my hair done. The hairdresser had very limited English, bless her. She tried but she didn't really know how to highlight hair! It was OK though, I didn't come out with bright ginger hair but it was not the best! For £12 I can't complain (although I still had a lot of green in my hair!) James got few a fair few beers and chatted to a few blokes in a bar all afternoon, preparing for a drunken night ahead.
That night, I was really excited to head into Haad Rin as I'd never been, but James had done this before. We got in a taxi and half way to the beach, a couple got in (Christian and Lena). We spent the whole night together in the end - they were really nice and a very good laugh! When we turned up, the beach wasn't too crowded but busy enough. There was lots of good music and several bucket stalls along the side. James and I had a lot of Sangsom before we left so we were already warmed up! That night, there was a huge foam party! We were in the foam pretty much the entire night as you can see from the pictures. We had such a good time, however, when we got home, I came home with my bag... and 2 bags that didn't belong to me. One of them contained a camera, credit cards, phone... and the other seemed like an entire holiday budget of approx £600! We knew the bag with the camera belonged to this couple, and we hoped the money one did too or else we wouldn't have known where it came from!
The next day of course we were feeling rather rough. During the afternoon, we both couldn't rest knowing that we had all of this couples belongings. Literally everything; we don't know what they would do without it all! We decided to rent out a bike and drive along the road, taking the same route the taxi took the previous night, to see if we could recognise any area which looked familiar and work out where the couple might be staying. We tried one hotel but they weren't there. The 2nd place we tried, the man at reception rushed us to someones room... it was them! We had found them! We couldn't believe it and neither could they. They were SO happy to see us, gave us huge hugs and bought us a beer! Sadly we didn't see them again though - our wifi connection was really bad so we couldn't get on to email them, and the number Christian had given James wasn't going through on a Thai mobile. Hopefully we'll find them/they'll find us on Facebook.
The next night was equally as messy as the night before - we got friendly with a group of Irish guys & girls from our hotel and all headed out together. The hotel put on parties to get us in the mood for going out which is a really nice touch! The next morning always seems like a scene from The Hangover - what the hell happened last night?!
The next day was 'Full Moon Party' day! James & I rented a bike and drove up to Haad Rin to find some clothes to wear in the night. Everyone dresses in bright clothes for the UV lights and covers themselves in UV paint! I couldn't agree on a top to buy, so I bought paint and painted my own vest, which you can also see in our pictures! The Israele couple and an American guy (our next door neighbour) joined us in the lobby for drinks and painting session, and also helped us make silly jewellery out of straws to wear! We looked ridiculous but so did everyone else, and it shows we were having fun!
When we turned up, it was very busy and very buzzing! Everyone is out for a good time, so we had lots of people talking to us and having fun. I found a free hugs sign, and 'free hugs' I certainly did give away! James was written off by 2:30am, so we made a start on heading home. It was a good time to leave, because we still didn't get home until 5am - I dread to think what time we would've gotten in if we'd left any later! We were leaving the next day as we had to leave Thailand for our visa run, so we didn't want to be a complete mess for the journey.
It was an excellent 4 nights and again, I'd recommend this hotel and location to anyone going to the Full Moon parties. I want to do it all again!
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