Sleepless in Melbourne...well, here we are. After 26 hours of crazy flying, bad airplane meals and crowded seating areas we are finally here. Jetlag is a bit*h and despite our best attempts to fight it we haven\'t been able to sleep in 2 days now. But hey, that\'s life of a backpacker huh?!The arrival to Australia was extremely uneventfull and undramatic. Almost sad, keeping in mind our preparations for full body scans, questions in dark rooms and strip searches. No one seemed to care of who we were or what we would do here. Welcome, a stamp in the pasport, off you go into the night and best of luck. Thanks to Antons sense of directions we were able to find the hostel in less than an hour wandering the streets of Melbourne at 1am. So life is good!We got one more night booked at the hostel, which is by the way a consturction sight at the moment. If we wouldn\'t have been wide awake the whole night I would have been rather pissed off to wake up to the sound of drilling at 7am. So jetlag isn\'t so bad after all! Anyways, one more night and we\'ll be off to find us a 4-wheeled home, or at least another hostel with walls intact. :)So that\'s it for us for this time. Stay well, love you all and oh, by the way, it\'s 29 degrees out here!PS. Povilas, no spiders in sight yet! However, saw 2 BIG jumping cockroaches at the airport. Someone stepped on them before i got the picture so the search continues! DS.
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incognito Where is my money.