@ Chanette:
vi jobbar lite overallt sa fort vi far tillfallet, sparar och njuter ett tag. Annars sa e work for accomodation en fantastisk uppfinning! man bor och ater gratis i utbyte mot nagra timmars arbete pa dagen. Det mesta e mojligt, bara man vagar fraga.
hur lyckas ni ta er runt utan pengar? ni måste väl ha lite så ni kan käka osv
jäkla kul ide ni kör på...
Brangieji, kur dingote? Tikimes, kad jums viskas gerai, tikriausiai nera galimybes prisijungti prie interneto...mylim ir laukiam ziniu.
Hy There!
How are you and the car? I saw you guys had some good ideas with the car! Hope you had no problems in the past. I am back in cold Germany and I thing it would be a better decision to spend the european winter in Oz. Nice block and pictures so far, enjoy your travelings and I hope to see you again in Europe somewhere someday. Have a nice time ;-)
Greetings Armin
P.S.: I spent a long time in Mildura/Red Cliffs it is a good spot for work. I stayed in the Red Cliffs Backpacker by Roc, he is a good honest guy.
Sveikiname, isigijus pirma nuosava automobili!!! Spaudziam prie 4 sirdeliu. Saunios keliones! Nerealiu ispudziu!!!