The Great Ocean Road....
After just a little less than a week we are sound and alive at the end of the Great Ocean Road. The road usually takes around 3 days to do, but with Anton being a big, strong and constantly hungry man and with Monika taking around 30min for photo sessions at evety point of interest ( and there are A LOT of them), we usually took around 4-5 hours to drive 30km. And it was worth it!!!! The sights, the people we met along the way, the camping and the enormous appreciation of a shower we developed have been amazing all along.
Got an amazing kick-off in Point Londsdale where we met the greatest man ever, Ron and his dog Rusty, that have been a great company, an irreplacable source of information and tips and that has even helped us to get the car ready for camping. So now Bruce (the car) is equipted with a roof rack that carries all of our stuff and we can sleep like kings!
We camped everywhere possible along the way, both authorised camping grounds and just around the corner from some minor roads. Weirdy Australia feels extremely safe and in worse case scenario someone will just stop to see if we are ok.
Sadly it is way to expensive to tell and show everything we have experiences along the way ( You'll just have to wait untill we get back and come to some picture-viewing nights) but among the highlights of the trip is worth mentioning the coalas hanging in the trees when we drove along the way;a bunch of kangaroos on a golf field, the wreck beach with 200-year old ship parts along the shore and all the few sunny days we've had. But how we enjoyed them!!!! So a huge thanks for the Lithuanian Santa for the amazing sleeping-bags - they are much appreciated.
Tomorrow we'll head up north of Victoria, towards the bush and something called Pink Lakes. With the car fixed and double checked we'll be safe and promise to keep in touch as ofter as possible!!!
lots of love to you all!!!!
Over and out!!!!!!
- comments
Jennie Ni verkar ha det toppen!! Å vad jag vill tillbaka:) Åk till Echuca om ni ska upp till norra victoria! Jättesöt liten stad där jag bodde i 3 månader! Kramar
Monica Hej på er, det går ingen nöd på er vad det verkar ! Hur varmt har ni därborta ? Hoppas ni och speciellt hungrige Anton får i er ordentligt med känguru så ni orkar med alla äventyr.. =) Kram från moster M & Mats hälsar
mama/Polilia labai dziaugiames, kad jums viskas gerai..Na o vaizdai.....nerealaus grozio!.... SEKMES! myliu mama P.S. kaip su tarantulais? ar buvo koks yropojes kai miegojote?
Mats Hi ! It seems like some of your friends comments is impossible to read !!! What kind of language is that stuff ? Please use english instead or else I going to use "Rövarspråket i stället" ! LOLLILOLLTOTT på er over there mats och monica i Älvsjö