Ah, one of the last days of travel.
My pack would weigh well over 20kg now I believe, as I have accumulated a lot but sacrificed nothing. That will not be the case when I leave, there's a lot I can leave behind and I'm looking forward to it! I left my hostel, and waited an hour for the next Shinkansen to Tokyo and got myself a coffee - they do excellent iced coffees here! After 2 hours on the train, I stepped off into 32 degree sun heat and 90% humidty and after extensive confusion, set of on my merry way through the sweat-inducing, sweltering heat for half an hour with my pack on my back.
I made it, but my clothes were wet from heat and my neck spasmed with relief when I dropped my pack - luckily they let me check in an hour early. I'm in a famed capsule's interesting but very clean and new and on the river which is lovely! The capsule is small but I kind of like it, it's only for a few nights anyway. After resting and unpacking a bit, I met a girl, Zoe, from Scotland who had just landed and together we walked to the imperial palace (well, the outside anyway) and got some dinner. By dinner I mean cup noodles, which were surprisingly filling! Following a skype with Mum, I've now spent the night resting in preparation for a full day at Mt Fuji tomorrow. I leave the hostel at 7.30 and get back to the station at 8pm, not much time for anything but sleep before I go to Nikko the next day! A full on 2 days before I go back to reality, I'm not looking forward to the cold in the slightest. I also can't beleve 3 weeks have gone by, where did the time go?
It'll be nice to be back home with friends, family and cheese again. And not living out of a backpack also. I'm not looking forward to the transit either unfortunately, it's a long, long time.
Almost there!
Until tomorrow...
xo Rach
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