Today we had class for only two hours! We then got to spend the whole day at the beach with the italian students. Taylor and I turned it into biology class. The entire beach is rocky and there are a ton of "living organisims" attached to the rocks. So we decided to disturb the enviornment and remove them from their habitat for our examination :) We found mussels and crabs and these slug things that lived in shells. It was cool and we felt smart.
We learned today that people cross the street in the middle of traffic. An old man on a motorized scooter decided it was okay to drive into 3 lanes of traffic. I think he had a death wish. Teen and I were confused.
We are currently getting ready for tonight's festivities...We are currently having trouble uploading pictures because Nicole's computer sucks and she needs her father to give her the go ahead to purchase a Mac from the Apple Store outside. We're not sure how thats going to work out yet, but we will see.
********DAD I NEED A NEW COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!*******
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