Ciao Everyone!
Our travel experience was quite interesting today. First off, I got Taylor to read her first big girl book. I chose "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" for her to keep her occupied. It worked.
It took us around 20hours to finally reach our destination in Ancona. Sleeping on the plane was a complete fail due to the fact that there was no room. Taylor and I tried every sleeping position possible and probably looked like lesbians to other travelers. Even after 4-6 mini bottles of wine, and I mean mini, we still couldn't sleep.
When we began our decent into Munich, we got to see what that party of Germany looks like. It was so pretty So different from the US. Everything was green and plantation like. Not cluster filled housing developments like we have back home.
We finally landed in Germany where we learned that people are extremely pushy and nobody wears flip flops and sweatpants. Taylor fit in because she was wearing a pretty dress, I however looked like a slob. We explored the Munich airport during our 3 hour layover and I paid 7USD for a bottle of coke.
We were finally taken out on some bus to our propeller plane to take us to Ancona. Taylor was scared s***less and I laughed. Everybody spoke Italian and we felt dumb. We ended up falling somewhat asleep and woke up to the sight of land!
After landing at the tiny airport in Ancona, we walked off our plane to the ONE baggage claim area that they had, picked up our luggage and headed out to find a taxi to our hotel. Our taxi driver drove like a crazy a****** and it cost us a ridiculous 45 euros to get to our hotel.
---After arriving at the hotel-----
Nicole and I are extremely exhausted right now, but very excited to be here in Ancona! After arriving around one we took a taxi to our hotel. Unfortunately, our taxi driver could not really speak English so our car ride was silent. When arriving at our hotel we were greeted by Gionani who owns the place. He was extremely nice and showed us all around our apartment. I will attach pictures of our place shortly.
After taking a four hour nap we decided to explore the city. We ended up eating dinner at Cafe Juliano, and it was delicious. At first we were afraid of what we had ordered because the waitress did not speak any English and the menu was also only in Italian. Fortunately, we lucked out and our dinner was yummy!!!! We were actually surprised at how many people we have encountered that did not understand English, but i guess that is part of the fun.
After dinner we walked down the street of our hotel and saw that there was a soccer game going on free to the public. We got some gelato and a beer and sat and watched for a couple of hours. It is amazing how into Futball the locals are!
Unfortunately that is all for now! We are going to explore more tomorrow and hopefully get to go shopping!
xoxo Taylor and Nicole
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