We're off to the wheel training camp this morning so I'm unable to upload any photos! sorry... but we have been in Copenhagen the last 3 days and today the weather is beautiful!!! I can wear shorts!
The first day we caught a train into the city and went shopping. I only bought one item and Lynn being Lynn bought out the whole city. It rained a bit but then cleared up nicely. There were so many people about it was actually hard to get around. there are many many tourists here it's such a busy city.
The second day we went shopping at a shopping centre, once again I only bought one thing and it was a bargain! $7.50 jeans... ooh yea! but the wedges we had afterwards put a whole in my pocket! $22 for wedges! ouch... that's where all my money is currently going... buying food. But we've been really good and have had cooked breakfast every morning. Thanks to Jacqui who is our little chef.
Yesterday we decided to go bike riding and I'm not sure if all of you know but I'm not that flash hot on a bike. We rented a bike from the train station and made our way to the little mermaid. We asked a lady which way to go and she pointed us in teh completely opposite direction! so we had to ride all the way back and finally made it to the Little Mermaid. Afterwards we went and visited Mary's castle and then went to the canal and sat on the edge eating our yummy icecream. It was a really nice ride and surprisingly enough I didn't do too badly at all, we even rode through peak time in the city! The main problem I have when riding a bike is starting and stopping... once I'm on the bike then I'm fine. I better start practising more as this city is all about cycling. They have proper bike paths.
Well I better pack up so we can get going. Have to catch a train to Ringsted which is where the training camp is. Looking forward to getting on the wheel!
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