I am going back in time and updating you all on my day in Brunei... but to let you know I have arrived safely in Copenhagen.
Anyways I went into the city with Justin and Richard from the Gold Coast. They are lovely boys. We went on a little boat ride around the water village there which is just amazing. About 30,000 people live on this village and it is equipped with everything! there's lots of schools from kindy to high school, a hospital with ambulance speed boat, fire brigades and loads more. it was just amazing to see all the people that live there. All the buildings are built on stilts!
We then got taken out further to see the Proboscis Monkeys in the jungle. These monkeys are apparently very friendly and are the main type of monkeys that live in Brunei. Before we got on the boat you should've seen all the boat drivers heckling us to go on their boats! it was crazy. We moved to the other side and there was this driver with a hoody who kept following us and we ended getting on his boat... which was good cos he gave us a good deal.
I took quite a few photos but have yet to upload them. Hopefully I'll get that done tonight.
Anyways I left to London that night on Royal Brunei and luckily it wasn't a super long flight as I stopped over in Dubai (it was supposed to be an 18hr flight). We only stopped over for an hour but arrived there just after midnight and man the airport was crazy busy! There were so many people around at this time, it must make you wonder what the airport would be like during the day!
Back on the plane and onto London where I caught up with a friend who lives there, May. She's rehearsing at the moment for the West Side Story musical, so very cool. We caught up over coffee (as I had a 7 hour stopover) in town... man London is so freaking expensive! I don't like the pound =p Anyways it was great seeing her and catching up, I'm hoping to see her perform in the musical sometime this year or next.
Flew British Airways to Copenhagen which was such a short trip compared to the others. Finally got here and was glad to touch down in Denmark... no more flying!!! yay. Arrived in Copenhagen Sunday evening at about 5.30pm and waited at the wrong baggage belt! Was wondering why it was taking so long for my baggage to come around but I got it in the end so all was good.
Lynn and Jacqui was waiting for me at the gate (they arrived an hour earlier... wheelies from Adelaide). We then finally got to my friend's house where we pretty much collapsed on the couch. Ah time to relax! xoxo
oh movies I watched on the plane: Chaos Theory, Definitely Maybe, Run Fatboy Run, Over Her Dead Body
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