Worst day.
We were woken up by the pneumatic drill again. Garth saw that Table Mountain was open so we rushed out with no packed lunch.
We got there and the queue was long so Garth told me to get out and join the queue while he parked. Because I was rushed I forgot my jumper! Because Garth rushed he forgot the water. So the next few hours were rather cold and dehydrated...
We queued for 1 hour to get the cable car up. The carriages have a rotating floor so that everyone has a chance to see each view on the way up/down. I was nervous about the whole thing really, but when we got to the top the doors wouldn't open TWICE as we hung in the wind at 1067 metes high over rocks. I was feeling very claustrophobic and they has to manually crank the door open!! I had to sit down for a few mins to recover. Garth got me the thickest hot chocolate ever and he had a coffee and cheesecake.
We must have spent over an hour up there waiting for the clouds to dissipate. But they didn't. So we didn't really get a good view.
We got the sky lift back down in one piece and returned to the car. Paid R2 to the CCTV man walked right up to the car and saw the back left window had been smashed. Straight away I check that Neil's house keys were still there hidden under my makeup and hairbrush, and they were so we were both super relieved. We couldn't see anything else had been taken. I called CCTV man over to demand an explanation and he rabbeted on. Now I really regret not demanding our R2 back...
I wiped the glass off my seat, cutting my finger a little before driving back to the ticket office to inform the on duty police. I had to wait with the car (as it was vulnerable) while Garth spoke to the police man. Garth came back and said we had to go to the police station and that the PC had tried to give him direction, but weren't clear. I then went to ask the PC for his name so I could write down all the timings and event for insurance purposes and he went crazy at me. He was like 'how dare you ask me my name. You don't understand anything. It's pointless. It's like me asking your name' and I was surprised that he hadn't asked our names. I was very angry at being spoken to like that but Garth told me to leave it. So we left. What is the point of that stupid man even sitting there in his police car. If I was rich I'd have sued him.
Anyways...we drove to camps bay police station (ironically, all the police stations are signposted with a brown tourist attraction sign as opposed to a blue information I knew why).
It was only at this point did a memory flash back and I remembered being annoyed earlier at Garth's empty rucksack lying around the back of that car......that actually wasnt empty. The only thing in it was Garth south African passport....which he needed to exit the country. Needless to say, some naughty words were said!!
We had been so tired yesterday coming back from the Cape, that we hadn't emptied the car properly (we even left the dirty tuna lunch box in the car) and we'd been in such a rush to see table mountain minus clouds, we hadn't checked properly......soooo stupid.... :( :( :(
At Camps bay, I sat with the car again and a lovely police lady came straight out with Garth to see the car. She unfortunately couldn't help us because the crime occurred on table mountain which was in the cape town police zone. so we made our way there after her wishing us luck (sad she couldn't have helped us).
Cape Town central police station was harder to find and in a much poorer area. I had to sit with the car for 1 hour parked right outside the station in a police spot (one plus of being in SA) watching all the crazy people go past. I hadn't brought my book and I didn't want to play on my iPhone and wave it around with an open window. I felt pretty helpless but it gave me time to cool down from the silly police man's rudeness. Garth said he spoke to me that way because I was a white girl... We had also missed our 3pm coffee date with a couple of Garths friends. We didn't have mobile numbers for them, so just had to stand them up! :(
Eventually Garth came put and said that a PC had spent the whole hour HAND WRITING half a page of A4 explaining the events. (so sad). Garth didn't even get his crime number, he would be texted it later today....the police also took NO details on Garths stolen passport which could be being used for fraud/trafficking/terrorism thus very second. The efficiency was shocking. They didn't even think about taking finger prints from the car, which I had been careful about not touching the glove compartment etc. I would understand not dusting for prints with petty theft like iPods etc, but something like a passport which can lead to the things I mentioned above is just ignorant! Even of they didn't follow up, just to have the prints on record!!!!!
Anyways, Garth was then in a panic about his passport and getting an emergency one ones the weekend, when most places are shut, and our flights were Monday morning. We drove around trying to find the home office which was apparent round the corner, but we couldn't find it. It was 4.30, we hadn't eaten lunch, drunk enough or been to the loo in hours! We couldn't even ring the car company because the credit on Garths phone had run out...
I wanted to top up there and then but Garth was running out of energy and decided to drive back over the mountains to Fish Hoek where we topped up. I ring the car company who didn't ask my name, car reg, description of the damage, just said take it to cape town To get fixed. So unprofessional! Garth decided we'd take the car tomorrow not today. So we got a McDs and we t to the loo before heading home. Very grateful that Neil had a secure garage for us to keep the car in overnight.
It was about 5.30 when we got back and the research begun. We knew he had to leave on his SA passport and had to find somewhere to get an emergency one. I emailed insurance and family etc before us having a chat about the likeliness of me flying home without Garth. We also missed a planned diner with 4 of Garth's friends. :( We both bathed and watched Hairspay before collapsing asleep! what a day...
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