After spending a little too much time in Siem Reap (5nights in total) it's now time to move on to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.
I was only supposed to stay in Siem Reap a couple of nights, however the lure of the $3 a night hotel and whiskey buckets at the Ankor What!? Bar proved too strong.
I had a more relaxing day yesterday after my antics at the shooting range the day before (notice how I clearly don't know what day it is!!)
I visited the old Market and was stranded there as a heavy storm came over (all just to buy some postcards!!).
Yesterday evening Wadee the tuc tuc driver (also known as Mr Lucky) took me too a local Cambodian bar for a bite to eat. I then took one last walk down Pub Street, however I don't think I could handle a third straight night in the Ankor What!? Bar!!
So after a bucket-less and relatively booze free night, I slept like a baby and was ready to take on the 6hour bus journey.
I have finally understood that it's not a good idea to go on a bender the night before a long journey!!
- comments
Mandy Sounds like your liver had a good day off. Glad you are enjoying yourself. Xx
Mary Hey sounds amazzin the places you have been already ! Love reading your blog diaries! Keep safe love mez x
Mum I'm sure Dad will appreciate the post card!! .. Have you posted them yet?? Glad you arrived safely anyway!! Look after yourself . . x x x x x x x x
mary atkins What a wonderful time ur having! Just watched a slideshow of all ur pic's, What an amazing time ur having! stay safe... Lv Mary ur mums old friend from Ilkeston. x